Fall semester bills are due in August (Date to be announced). Students can access the billing portal by logging into myHill and going to myBill.

Please note: Students are required to acknowledge that they have read the billing and payment plan information.

View Your Bill

Instructions on Creating an Authorized User

  1. Student log on to myHill
  2. Go to Student Home > myBill   
  3. Click on My Account tab
  4. Click on Authorized Users tab
  5. Click on Current Authorized Users to Edit or Delete Authorized User
  6. Click on Add Authorized User to add an authorized user
  7. If more than one authorized user is needed, repeat the process
  8. Authorized users will receive an email with password and link to log into the billing portal

Authorized User Access

  1. Click on link in email to access log in page or go to www.stonehill.edu/paymentplan
  2. Log on using email address and password
  3. Click on My Profiles
    • To change the email address where you will receive notifications or your password
    • Add a cell phone number to receive texts of notifications
    • Change or add bank account information for payments
    • If an authorized user has more than one student, click on Select Student tab to choose student(s)
    • Account balances can be viewed and payments can be made from any tab
    • Click on Payment Plans to enroll in a payment plan

Important Student Account Dates

Date Note
July 27 Deadline to enroll in 5-month tuition payment plan
August 1 Fall semester bills due
August 10 Deadline to enroll in 4-month tuition payment plan
August 23 Last Day to Enroll in Tuition Refund Insurance

For more information, contact:

Visit Student Accounts for information on student billing, tuition and fees, payment plans, and tax benefits of education.