Each member of the Alumni Association receives a complimentary copy of our Stonehill Alumni Magazine twice a year.

(Rev.) Anthony Szakaly, C.S.C. serves as the Alumni Chaplain and is available to offer spiritual support and guidance to any individual requesting it. The Alumni Chaplain administers to the sick of the Stonehill community, honors Mass intentions, celebrates weddings and baptisms, and presides at funerals.  Father Tony offers a monthly Mass for Alumni Intentions which is held in the Our Lady of Sorrows Chapel in Donahue Hall on the third Thursday of each month at 8:00am.  All are welcome to attend.

The Stonehill Grotto was dedicated in 1954, just a few short years after the founding of the College. Since that time, votive candles burn brightly night and day as expressions of prayer for special intentions. The living flame of each candle is a beautiful symbol of both prayer and hope. At your request, the Office of Campus Ministry will light a votive candle at the Grotto for your intentions. Please fill out this form to submit your votive candle request. 


Looking to change jobs? Practice interviewing skills? Updating your resume? Stonehill’s Career Development Center can help. Check out a listing of all career related resources for alumni here

Alumni are invited to use the MacPhaidin Library to check out a book, conduct research, or bring your laptop and take advantage of the wireless internet. We invite Alumni to register for a card at the library’s circulation desk in order to check out up to four books.

Whether you’re a jogger, racquetball enthusiast or simply interested in staying in shape, you may want to consider a Stonehill College Sports Complex Membership.

This membership allows you to utilize the facilities at the Sally Blair Ames Sports Complex. These amenities include:

  • a one-eighth of a mile track,
  • tennis/volleyball/basketball courts,
  • racquetball courts and
  • the fitness center.

Annual Fee

  • The annual fee for an alumni membership is $200.
  • The fee for a six month alumni membership is $100.
  • The fee for a summer membership is $50.

Apply for Membership

To receive your application for membership, please call the Alumni Office at 508-565-1343.

Alumni of all class years are encouraged to register with Stonehill’s online community for alumni, Stonehill Connect. This online tool is open to all Stonehill graduates and includes a searchable online directory, alumni event listings and the ability to register for events online, photo albums and more.

If you are a first-time user, register using your last name, class year, and your ID number. Once you have accessed the site, you will choose your own username, security question and password for future site visits. If you have any questions about Stonehill Connect or need to retrieve your ID number please contact the Alumni Office at 508-565-1343. We hope to see you online!

Contact Information

Merkert-Tracy Building – 305

The Office of Alumni Engagement serves Stonehill College alumni through Stonehill Connect, an online community for alumni. Alumni Engagement runs the Alumni Travel Program, Reunion, Homecoming and a variety of in-person and virtual events throughout the year.