Phone Email Mailing Address
508-565-1373 Office of Undergraduate Admission
Stonehill College
320 Washington Street
Easton, MA 02357

Find Your Admission Counselor

Stonehill admission counselors are assigned to specific high schools and work with all applicants from those schools. Find your admission counselor here by searching for your high school.

Dean of Undergraduate Admission

Scott Seseske

Scott Seseske

Associate Vice President for Enrollment & Dean of Undergraduate Admission

Admission Counselors

Aly Alonzo

Aly Alonzo

Assistant Dean of Admission, Diversity Recruitment & Access
John Pepin

John Pepin

Senior Associate Dean of Admission, Coordinator of International Admission
Sarah Thomashower

Sarah Thomashower

Associate Dean of Admission, Coordinator of Transfer Admission
Elizabeth Zec

Elizabeth Zec

Associate Dean of Admission, Campus Programming
May Hall, Welcome Center

Operations Staff

Jane Daversa

Jane Daversa

Senior Admission Coordinator
Geoffrey Smith

Geoffrey Smith

Associate Dean of Admission, Director of Enrollment Management Systems