The purpose of the Faculty Mentoring Program at Stonehill College is to establish a structure for meaningful, practical, and ongoing professional support for new faculty that will facilitate their development as exemplary teachers and scholars as well as their successful integration into the life of their programs, departments, and colleges, and the College as a whole.

The goals of the New Faculty Mentoring Program are to help new faculty:

  • Build community and connection among new faculty members
  • Receive support in navigating various aspects of the faculty role including teaching, mentoring and advising, service, and scholarship
  • Become familiar with College culture and campus resources
  • Meet and network with faculty, staff, and administrators from across campus
  • Adjust to the new environment and become active members of the College community


The New Faculty Mentoring Program at Stonehill College offers the following opportunities for faculty support and development across their first two years at the College:

    1. New Faculty Orientation. During the New Faculty Orientation faculty, administrators, and staff from across the College come together to welcome new faculty and introduce them to resources that support their successful transition to life at the College. This initial meeting serves as an opportunity for the new faculty to get to know each other and to learn about the College; expectations for teaching, scholarship and creative activity, and service; and resources for students and faculty.

Fall 2021

Day Name/Location
Tuesday August 17th New Faculty Orientation (Meehan 111 & via Zoom)
Wednesday August 18th New Adjunct Faculty Orientation (Duffy 120 & via Zoom)