
Eunhye (Cho) Flavin teaches various STEM education courses at Stonehill College. Flavin’s research focuses on the implementation and measurement of mathematics education. She has also studied the mathematics motivation and career pathways of immigrant students. Her work has been featured in publications like Mathematics, Bilingual Research Journal and the Journal of Catholic Education, among others.  

Flavin currently leads the Flavin Education Data Lab, an interdisciplinary team that integrates real-world data, computer science and technology to create mathematics education content. Prior to joining Stonehill’s faculty, she was an online course developer at Seoul National University and a former teacher at Korea’s first immigrant-serving elementary school. 


  • Ph.D., Curriculum & Instruction (Specialization: Mathematics and Technology Education), Boston College 

Courses Taught 

  • Mathematical Reasoning for Education 
  • Assessment and Analysis in Education 
  • Curriculum and Instruction 
  • Teaching Mathematics, Science and Technology 


Graduate Teacher Education



Selected Articles & Presentations

  • Segel, M., Cho, E., Hubacz, H., & Oliveira, G. (2022, April 22-25). From gratitude to frustration: Two-way immersion parents’ perceptions of School Supports During COVID-19. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Meeting, online.
  • Cho, E., Hwang, S., & Herosian, G.* (2022, April 6-8). Three decades of research in mathematics teacher knowledge: Using text network modeling. New England Educational Research Organization [NEERO] Annual Meeting. 
  • Cho, E., Hwang, S., & Herosian, G.* (2022, January 7). Exploratory analysis on research in mathematics teacher knowledge. National Councils of Teachers of Mathematics [NCTM] Research Conference, online.
  • Cho, E., Hubacz, H., Oliveira, G. (2021, Apr 8-12). School community members at odds in dual language program implementation [Paper Session]. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Meeting, online.
  • Oliveira, G, Becker, M. Cho, E., et al., (2021, Feb 26-27). Im/migrant children and families’ experiences in dual language education in Massachusetts. 2021 Ethnography in Education Research Forum, online.
  • Cho, E. (2020, Dec 12) Understanding the development of multi-ethnic students’ mathematics achievement motivation. 2020 International Conference of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education, online.
  • Cho, E., Hwang, H., & Albert, L. (2020, Dec 12) Understanding mathematics teachers’ perception toward multicultural education. 2020 International Conference of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education, online.
  • Chang-Bacon, C., Cho, E., & Oliveira, G. (2020, Dec 2) Community consciousness: Parallel parent and teacher perceptions of a two-way dual language immersion program. Literacy Research Association (LRA) 70th Annual Conference, online.
  • Cho, E., Jeon, A. & Oliveira, G. (2020, Apr 17-21) Promoting Latino family engagement in Catholic bilingual school [Roundtable Session]. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Meeting, online.
  • Chang-Chris, B., Cho, E., & Cruz, M, & Oliveira, G., (2020, Apr 17-21) Parallel perceptions of two way immersion program implementation: How parents and teachers understand its merits. [Presentation Session]. American Educational Research Association [AERA] Annual Meeting, online.
  • Cho, E & Hwang, S. (2019, April 25) Why do multiethnic students in South Korea choose (not) to study mathematics over time? Paper presented at Graduate Research Symposium, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA. 
  • Hwang, S & Cho, E. (2019, April 5) Exploring changes in multi-ethnic students’ achievement motivation: A longitudinal study using expectancy-value theory. Korean-American Educational Researchers Associations Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada.
  • Cho, E., & Hwang, S (2019, April 5) Mathematics preservice teachers’ culturally sustaining teaching strategies. Korean-American Educational Researchers Associations Annual Conference in Toronto, Canada.
  • Kim, D., Cho, E., & Kim, S (2019, March 31-April) Leveraging youth’s diverse backgrounds to broaden participation in STEM through invention education. NARST Annual International Conference in Baltimore, MD.
  • Barnett, M., Kim, D., Cho, E., & Kim, S (2019, March 3) Culturally relevant science: An invention program for middle school English Language Learners. Paper presented at The American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference in Atlanta, GA. 
  • Kim, D., Cho, E., & Kim, S (2018, Oct 19) Inventing the future: Leveraging cultural assets to create young STEM inventors (Culturally Relevant Science: English Language Learners’ Experiences in a Modified Invention Science Curriculum). Paper presented at Diversity Challenge (The Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture), Chestnut Hill, MA. 
  • Kim, D., Cho, E., Mannion, P., Long, Y., & Zhou, S. (2018, April 25) Fostering English Language Learner’s reflection through multimodal digital storytelling. Paper presented at Graduate Research Symposium, Lynch School of Education, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA [Awarded the 1st Best Student Presentation].
  • Kim, D., Mannion, P., Long, Y., Zhou, S., & Cho, E. (2018, March 24). Middle school English Language Learner’s multimodal digital storytelling. Paper presented at The American Association for Applied Linguistics Conference in Chicago, Illinois. 

* indicates that work on project was done in collaboration with Stonehill College undergraduate students.

Note: Flavin's last name changed from Cho in 2021.

  • Hwang, S., & Cho, E. (2021). Exploring latent topics and research trends in mathematics teachers’ knowledge using topic modeling: A systematic review. Mathematics, 9, 2956.
  • Cho, E., Albert., L, & Hwang, S. (2021). Exploring preservice mathematic teachers’ racial identity and culturally relevant teaching practices. Journal of KSME Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, 24(1). 29-47.
  • Hwang, S., Cho, E., & Albert, L. (2020). Examining mathematics teachers’ perception toward multicultural education: Teachers’ noticing of multicultural contents in mathematics textbooks. Journal of KSME Series D: Research in Mathematical Education, 23 (2), 93-111.   
  • Oliveira, G., Chang-Bacon, C. K., Cho, E., & Baez-Cruz, M. (2020). Parent and teacher perceptions of a Brazilian Portuguese two-way immersion program. Bilingual Research Journal, 43(2), 212-231. 
  • Kim, D., Cho, E., Stephanie, C., & Barnett, M. (2019). Culturally relevant science: Incorporating visualizations and home culture in an invention-oriented middle school science curriculum. Technology & Innovation, 20, 251-266. 
  • Cho, E. & Hwang, S. (2019). Exploring changes in multi-ethnic students’ mathematics achievement motivation: A longitudinal study using expectancy-value theory. Journal of KSME Series A: The Mathematical Education, 58(1), 101-120.   
  • Seo, D. & Cho, E. (2017) An explorative research on career dispositions of immigrant youths and their ecological conditions. Journal of Education and Culture, 23(1), 217-247. 

Note: Flavin's last name changed from Cho in 2021.