
Michael Nicholson joined the Stonehill College community in 2022. He has worked in higher education for over two decades. His research interests include phylogenetics and the molecular genetics of plants and fungi. Outside of teaching, he has served as the director of agriculture for an international company and as a training and performance improvement consultant. He also has experience as a small business owner. 


  • A.S., Sciences, Harper College
  • B.S., Botany, Eastern Illinois University
  • M.S., Education, Capella University
  • M.S., Botany, Eastern Illinois University
  • Ph.D., Plant Pathology, Pennsylvania State University

Courses Taught

  • Cell Biology Laboratory


Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology



Selected Publications & Presentations

  • Nicholson, M., & Newby, S. (Eds.). (2020). General Biology. Second Edition - eText. Minneapolis, MN: TopHat (lab manual)
  • Nicholson, M., (Ed). (2017) Biol R120 Lab Book (Oxnard College). Washington DC: Pearson (lab manual)
  • Nicholson, M., & Pearson, B. (2014). Variables influencing viability of brewer's yeast. Fungi, 7 (1), 23-27.
  • Nicholson, M. (2012, Oct). ROI performance evaluation at AgCo. T+D. Accessed at
  • Nicholson, M. (2009). Some spiritualistic uses of mushrooms. Fungi, 2 (2; Special issue), 6-7.
  • Duggal, A., Chavez, N., Garcia, E., Viveros, V., & Nicholson, M. (2016, Nov 12). RAPD Fingerprinting Arundo donax from the Santa Clara River [Poster Presentation]. Southern California Conference of Undergraduate Research, CSUCI, Camarillo, CA.