The front of the library during winter of 2021

Featured Stories - January 27, 2021:

  • Library Instruction eLearn Modules:  The pandemic has required all of us to adapt and get creative. When last spring’s move to remote learning put an end to in-person library sessions, it prompted MacPhaidin Library's reference librarians to envision new ways to deliver library instruction and support to students – wherever they may be.  As a result, we've created a series of eLearn modules for different disciplines and courses. Think of these modules – which can easily be inserted in your eLearn course – as asynchronous library instruction.   
  • Library Video Tutorials:  Did you know that MacPhaidin Library has created its own virtual library of instructional and how-to videos?  Find these videos on the Library Video Tutorials LibGuide!  The videos in this guide have been designed for use by faculty and students, and provide instruction in how to access and use a variety of library resources.
  • Did you know that the United States celebrates National Time Management Month annually, in February?  It is a timely observance, as many Americans spend the first month of the new year trying, sometimes unsuccessfully, to stick to their resolutions.  Keep reading for some concrete steps you can take to ensure that you manage your time effectively and accomplish your goals. 

Additional Stories:

  • Book a Study Room:  Need a study space or a place to take an online class?  Check out the study spaces that are available to students on campus.  These spaces can be booked from 8am-8pm, Monday through Friday.
  • Make an Appointment with a Librarian: Librarians are here to help you, whether you are on campus or off.  Use our easy LibCal system to book your appointment.
  • SOAR: Stonehill showcases student and faculty work in the college’s new digital repository, SOAR. Check out some of the documents that are in the repository on the library home page. 
  • Text Line: Even though you may be off campus, you can still text a librarian at 508-709-0223 for help with your research.  
  • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram, like us on Facebook, and visit our Pinterest page!