S-STEM Award
Stonehill's S-Stem Award helps economically disadvantaged students succeed in the sciences.
Late last spring, biology major Airika Laguerre ’20 heard about Stonehill’s S-STEM award—and the fact that students could apply for renewable $7,500 scholarships along with the opportunity to do summer research. A National Science Foundation Program, S-STEM stands for Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
“Originally, I wasn’t going to apply because I didn’t think I’d qualify,” she confesses. “Then one of my professors told me, ‘I think you’d be a great candidate for this,’ so I decided to go for it.”
Good thing she did. Within a few weeks, Laguerre—who grew up in nearby Randolph in a single-parent home—learned she had secured one of the highly competitive scholarships. “It was a big help because I’ve always worked to help cover the cost of tuition and textbooks,” she says.
Laguerre was even more excited when she learned that she would be paid to spend the summer doing research in the lab of Professor Heather Bleakley (biology). “Who ever heard of a freshman getting the chance to do research?” she asks. “There were four upperclassmen in the lab who were doing different research projects. I got to help them all to figure out what I might be interested in.”
This summer, Laguerre was back in Bleakley’s lab doing research of her own. She also managed the lab, teaching other new students the ropes.
Professor Rachel Hirst and Rachel Henshaw '19
Program Pluses
Laguerre is a perfect example of the promise of the NSF S-STEM program, which seeks to increase the success of underrepresented, academically talented students who are pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Recognizing that financial aid alone won’t get the job done, S-STEM also supports curricular and co-curricular activities that help these students persist in their academic and career pathways. Stonehill’s S-STEM program is open to rising sophomores as well as transfer students from either Bristol or Massasoit Community College.
Valued at just under $1 million, this is Stonehill’s second NSF S-STEM grant. The first was a $600,000 award in 2009. “Because we had a demonstrated track record, we were able to apply for more the second time around,” explains Professor Louis Liotta (chemistry), who, along with Rachel Hirst ’98 (biology), spearheaded the first effort.
On this second grant, they are joined by five additional faculty members: Professors Ruby Gu (physics), Nicole Cyr (biology), Kristin Burkholder (environmental science), and Pamela Lombardi (chemistry) as well as Heather Bleakley. The grant got underway last summer with awards to eight students: six from Stonehill and two transfer students from Massasoit Community College. This spring, an additional five students joined them as S-STEM scholars; the goal is to fund 30 students over the five-year life of the grant.
One critical piece of Stonehill’s S-STEM award is that it gives students a stipend to do one summer of hands-on lab research. “It builds their confidence,” explains Professor Rachel Hirst. (Left Hirst and Rachel Henshaw '19) “Studies show that early exposure to research is an indicator for success in science.”
Hirst, who also serves as the liaison between Stonehill and the community colleges, notes that research is particularly advantageous to the transfer students. “Students coming from community colleges face many challenges. The laboratory experience at Stonehill is much more intense. They also don't typically have the opportunity to do research as juniors because they haven't had time to work with any faculty.”
S-STEM Scholar Rachel Henshaw ’19 is another example of an academically talented student from an underrepresented background thriving in the program. After completing a two-year degree at Massasoit Community College, she then transferred to Stonehill last year and very much appreciates the ability to jump right into research.
“I worked last summer in the lab of Professor Magdalena Pederson,” Henshaw says. “We were looking at the relationship between a particular kind of mushroom and a type of bacteria that grows on its surface, trying to determine if the relationship between the two organisms was mutually beneficial. I loved it. It was so fun,” she continues. “I got to do things I’d never done before—working on protocols for gel purification, metagenomics, and DNA testing.”
As Henshaw’s experience illustrates, intense summer research helps students build critical laboratory skills, and that’s not all. “Doing research right away, students have the ability to get to know faculty and some of their peers—people who will be in their classes,” Hirst adds. “That way, they have a support system built in when they get here.”
Expanding Horizons
In addition to the hard measures—the stark numbers—Hirst says that faculty are also interested in the soft measures. “Are our science courses changing, becoming more inclusive?” she asks. “Are we using active learning to provide a more effective learning environment? How are we advising students outside of the classroom?”
Apsara Gurung '21, Airika Laguerre ’20, Professor Heather Bleakely, and Joseph Monteiro '21
Early anecdotal evidence is decidedly positive. “This scholarship means everything to me,” says Henshaw. “I come from a low-income family, and I’m not the only one in college. With this scholarship, I’m able to reduce the weight of loans. I’m also able to get experience doing research and build my network. I feel like I’m a more confident, stronger student. After Stonehill, I’m interested in going to medical school.”
For her part, Laguerre had been thinking about a career in podiatry—her grandfather moved in with her mother and her when he lost a foot to diabetes—but her horizons may be expanding. “Research is also now a possibility. I took a genetics course with Professor Pederson this year and think genetic counseling could be really interesting,” she says. (Right: Apsara Gurung '21, Airika Laguerre ’20, Research Fellow Brian Haney ’20, Professor Heather Bleakely, and Joseph Monteiro '21)
Faculty like Cyr can testify first hand to the power of efforts like S-STEM. “I was the beneficiary of a program like this. I received a Women in Science grant as a graduate student,” she says. That award helped her continue her science education, which led her to research and to teaching. She sees being involved with Stonehill’s S-STEM grant as a way to pass it on.
“This is a great program,” Cyr concludes. “Need-based scholarships help students stay in the sciences, and they have the opportunity to do research. The research builds their confidence—they can really see themselves as young scientists.” Through S-STEM, Stonehill is able to “support young scientists in their passion and help them persist.”