
Medical schools do not expect any one evaluator to provide information about every characteristic of an applicant. In fact, they require multiple evaluations specifically because no one evaluator is expected to know everything about an applicant.

  • Provide an accurate assessment of the applicant's suitability for medical school rather than advocate for the applicant
  • Quality is more important than length. Focus on the applicant rather than details about the lab, course, assignment, job or institution.
  • Only include information on grades, GPA or MCAT scores if you are providing context to held interpret them. Grades, GPA, and MCAT scores are made available within the application.
  • Focus on behaviors that you have observed directly when describing applicants' suitability for medical school. Consider describing:
    • The situation or context of the behavior
    • The actual behavior(s) you observed
    • Any consequences of that behavior
  • Admission committees find comparison information helpful. If you make comparisons, be sure to provide context. Include information about:
    • The comparison group (e.g., students in a class you taught, students in your department, co-workers, etc.)
    • Your rationale for the finale comparison.


Please know that you cannot save progress on this form. You must either complete the form, or come back another time and begin again. 

You are not required to answer every area of competency. We would prefer you share a paragraph with specific illustrative examples on 3-4 areas.  That is much more valuable than one general sentence in each category.  Please contact Andrew Leahy, Associate Director of Career Services at Stonehill College with any questions at or 508-565-1325.

Evaluation Form