Reminder: The Testing Center is open Monday through Friday, 9am-4pm only. 

The Testing Center is not available for exams outside of these hours.

To reschedule Saturday final exams please be in communication between students and faculty to determine an alternative date to request  exam assistance. 

Please contact with any questions and to reschedule.

The Testing Center has moved to the 3rd Floor of the Library

MacPhaidin Library 307

Exam Accommodation Request Form

How to Request Academic Accommodations

  • OAR-registered students with approved academic accommodations must notify faculty of approved accommodations each semester by completing the Academic Accommodations Notification Online Form.
  • If the online system does not allow you to notify online please reach out to for assistance.
  • If new academic accommodations are being requested, a meeting with Accessibility Resources is required. To schedule a meeting please call 508-565-1014 during weekday business hours.
  • Approved academic accommodations, including exam accommodations, will be outlined in the student's Letter of Accommodation.
  • In classes where accommodations are needed, students should share their Letter of Accommodation with their instructors as early in the semester as possible.
  • Students are required to communicate with their faculty about how approved accommodations will be implemented. 
  • Students having any questions or concerns regarding this process or about the provision of exam accommodations should contact Accessibility Resources at 508-565-1014 or
  • To schedule an appointment, please call 508-565-1014 during weekday business hours.

How to Request Accommodations for Exams

Course instructors are expected to provide standard exam accommodations such as extended time or a distraction-reduced location. In the event that the course instructor is unable to provide accommodations for a scheduled exam, the student must request exam accommodations from the Office of Accessibility Resources at least three business days in advance of the exam. The Office of Accessibility Resources cannot guarantee that exam proctoring will be available if the Exam Accommodation Request Form is not submitted 3 business days in advance of the schedule exam.

Exam Accommodation Request Form

Additional Details

  • If the time or date of a proctored exam changes, it is the student's responsibility to notify the OAR at least 24 hours in advance.
  • If the student will miss a proctored exam due to illness or other reasons, s/he must contact the course instructor directly and contact the Office of Accessibility Resources to cancel the proctored exam and make arrangements to reschedule.
  • If the student is late for a proctored exam, the time missed will be deducted from the exam time allocated. If the student is more than 30 minutes late, the exam will be returned to the instructor.
  • Books, backpacks, purses, notebooks, cell phones and other personal belongings will remain with the OAR exam proctor and the student will not be allowed to access them at any point during the proctored exam. An exception will be made if the proctored exam is pre-designated as “Open Book” or “Open Notes” by the course instructor.
  • Prior to the proctored exam, the student will be assigned to a specific proctoring desk/study carrel and will not be allowed to change seats.
  • Students should use the restroom prior to starting the proctored exam. Students will not be allowed to leave the testing center once the exam begins.

Exam Accommodation Request Form

Note: We are in the process of converting older materials on this page to ensure accessibility. If you are unable to access a document during this process, please contact and they will assist you.

Accessibility Services supports Stonehill’s unwavering commitment to providing a welcoming, supportive and inclusive environment for students with disabilities.