Update: August 19, 2022 12:30 PM

Please be advised that effective 4:30 PM Friday August 19, 2022, The review of online housing accommodation submissions will be suspended for the Fall Semester so that the website and database can be updated.  No housing submissions received after 4:30 p.m. on 8/19 will be reviewed.  The system will come back online in September for receipt of housing requests for the Spring Semester. Thank you.

Housing, ESA and dining accommodations are managed through a team process.

Please direct all inquiries about housing, ESA, and dining accommodations to crc@stonehill.edu and/or (508) 565-1658.

Students must monitor their own progress with completing the steps. They will not be prompted as to where they are in the process though inquiries are certainly welcome. Please be mindful of deadlines.

Email crc@stonehill.edu or call (508) 565-1658 with inquiries for housing, dining or ESA requests.

Non-qualifying conditions

Temporary, non-chronic impairments of seasonal or short duration (less than 6 months) with little or no residual effects that will not substantially limit a major life activity: common cold, seasonal or common influenza, a sprained joint, minor and non-chronic gastrointestinal disorders, a broken bone expected to heal completely, appendicitis, and seasonal allergies are usually not qualifying conditions under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

AIR CONDITIONING: Please be advised that, generally speaking, central air conditioning is turned off no later than the second week in October and individual air conditioning units are uninstalled at that time. Central air conditioning typically resumes around the second week of May. Seasonal allergies are usually not qualifying conditions under ADA. Students who require filtered air are permitted to bring in their own air purification devices. 

SINGLE ROOMS:  Stonehill’s student housing is primarily designed to house two students per bedroom.  Some of our residence halls do offer a limited number of single rooms.  As with all accommodation requests at Stonehill, qualification for a single residence hall room will be evaluated on an individualized basis.   Stonehill has designed its residential program on the premise that a vibrant, social residence hall environment is fundamental to living and learning at Stonehill.  As such, the request for a single room is utilized as an accommodation only when no other reasonable accommodation would allow a student to participate in our residential program as it is designed.

Please note that Housing Accommodation Committee meetings will be held during the last week of each month. Students must register with the office, submit documentation and the housing accommodation request form at least one week before the last Monday of the month in order for their file to be reviewed at that meeting.  The Committee will not meet in July. For additional information, please see the section on Housing Accommodation Request Deadlines below. 

Email crc@stonehill.edu or call (508) 565-1658 with inquiries for housing, dining or ESA requests.

 Additional Procedures

Students with service animals, those requesting permission to have an assistance animal, and students who wish to have a Personal Care Attendant must also refer to related policies, procedures, and expectations.

Assistance Animals

Personal Care Attendant

Email crc@stonehill.edu or call (508) 565-1658 with inquiries for housing, dining or ESA requests.

Housing Accommodation Request Deadlines

Deadlines were established to allow application review and accommodation considerations before the general housing selection or assignment process. Students are advised to start the process early to allow adequate time to obtain the necessary documentation. Keep in mind that efforts to obtain documentation from a health care provider often require advanced notice and may take several days to several weeks to prepare. Incomplete application materials will delay the eligibility-determination process. Complete applications submitted after the deadline will be accepted and reviewed at the next scheduled meeting. During the academic year, the Committee typically meets on a monthly basis. Stonehill College will strive to meet late applicants’ accommodation needs. However, due to the advanced level of planning required for this semester, it is unlikely that requests can be fully considered. Students must request housing accommodations annually.

Application Deadlines for Returning Students

Fall 2022 - February 25, 2022

Application Deadlines for  New Students

Fall 2022 - June 17, 2022

Email crc@stonehill.edu or call (508) 565-1658 with inquiries for housing, dining or ESA requests.

Committee Review and Housing Assignment

Requests for housing accommodations are reviewed by the Housing Accommodation Committee. Committee members include a representative from Residence Life, Accessibility Resources, Counseling Services, and Health Services. To properly evaluate how Stonehill can, under federal laws, meet a student's need for reasonable accommodations, the College requires sufficient information to understand how the requested accommodation relates to the current impact of the disability. The Committee reviews each student's request on an individual basis, including information from an interview, personal statement, and documentation from the student's health care provider. In determining whether the requested accommodation is reasonable, the Committee evaluates whether the request is a disability-related need, the severity of the condition, the impact on the student's health if the condition is not met, whether the request is an integral component of the current treatment plan for the condition and if there are any alternative options that will meet the student's need(s). Requested accommodations may not be granted if deemed unreasonable, unduly burdensome or if alternative accommodations are available. 

Please note that housing accommodations are only for the student requesting the accommodation and may not include current or potential roommates.  Residence Life will review the accommodation(s) approved by the Committee and available spaces to determine the appropriate housing assignment. While a student may feel strongly they should be placed in a specific location, assignments are first and foremost based upon disability-related needs.

A student has the right to decline an offered assignment; however, Residence Life may not be able to extend another option in an accommodated space. If a student chooses to decline the assigned space and thus forfeit their accommodation, that student then must go through the general housing selection process.

 The Committee meets monthly to review new requests. Students will be notified of the Committee’s decision via email, usually within a week of the Committee's meeting.

Email crc@stonehill.edu or call (508) 565-1658 with inquiries for housing, dining or ESA requests.

Appeal Procedures

Students who do not agree with a decision regarding an accommodation or who are not granted housing accommodations through this process have the right to appeal the Committee’s decision. Students will receive information about the appeals process with their decision letter. Thomas Flynn, ADA Compliance Officer, will review all requests for appeal. Students not approved for a housing accommodation, or whose appeal is denied should proceed with standard room-selection procedures.

 See: Accommodations Appeals

Email crc@stonehill.edu or call (508) 565-1658 with inquiries for housing, dining or ESA requests.

Housing, ESA and dining accommodations are managed through a team process.

Please direct all inquiries about housing, ESA, and dining accommodations to crc@stonehill.edu and/or (508) 565-1658.

Accessibility Services supports Stonehill’s unwavering commitment to providing a welcoming, supportive and inclusive environment for students with disabilities.