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Brockton History Tour

The Office of CBL, in collaboration with the Brockton Historical Society, arranges Brockton History Tours, available for any CBL course. Tours are led by Willie Wilson., Jr., local historian and native Brocktonian. 

Community Partners

The Office's Community Partners include a variety of schools, businesses, non-profit organizations, and government agencies.

CBL Courses

A CBL Course is a regular classroom course with additional hours creating and implementing projects or conducting research in partnership with a local community organization.

Example CBL Course

JRN 101: Advanced Reporting & News Writing 

Professor Maureen Boyle

Course Description: Students in this course learn to write a wide-range of articles, including in depth pieces for publication in newspapers, magazines and websites. Social media storytelling and reporting is also explored. Students write a wide-range of in depth articles with a strong emphasis on professional publication. 

CBL Project:

Students interviewed members of Messiah Baptist Church in Brockton, MA, one of the oldest African American churches in the city, to gather stories and information on the Great Migration to Brockton.

Check out the student's end of the year projects:

Faculty Handbook

The CBL Faculty Handbook is a guide for developing your CBL course. It includes tips on getting started, reflection, evaluation, and example syllabi.

Diversity Training

The Diversity Training is available to any Community-Based Learning course and can be arranged at any time during the semester. Its main purpose is to have students think critically about root causes of inequality as they prepare to serve in local communities.

Community Build Exercise 

Faculty Speak

Stonehill faculty are doing some great community work. Read about Chris Wetzel's work here: Our Journey to a Dialogue and Susan Mooney's work here: Our Journey to Making a Difference. 

The CBL Summer Institute gives faculty an opportunity to team up with a community partner and student leader, and work closely with OCBL staff to design a new CBL course or revamp an already existing CBL course.

A workshop in Southern Connecticut put together a presentation of the history & theory of service learning, as well as the best practices in academic application. The World Of Service Learning.

Duffy Academic Center – 116

The Office of Community-Based Learning allows students to perform service-learning projects or conduct community-based research that not only benefits local needs but is designed collaboratively between community-based organizations as well as faculty and students.