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CBL Projects

City of Champions: A Portrait of Brockton 

This project was a collaborative effort in which 10 students learned about documentary photography and then displayed their work throughout the Brockton.

Perceptions of Brockton Research

In the fall of 2012, the Survey of Research Methods for Sociology course conducted a powerful research study on the perceptions of Brockton. A PowerPoint of the study can be found here: Perceptions of Brockton

Stonehill College Community Scholar

Contact Corey for more information:

Champions United

Stonehill is a partner in this city-wide effort which aims to empower Brockton residents through grassroots community organizing while connecting them with the plethora of supportive services available in the city. In 2013 numerous partners and residents came together to support the formation of a proposal to the Working Cities challenge. The proposal can be found here: Working Cities Proposal 2013: Champions United

CBL Workshops

Community-Based Learning Summer Institute

Now in its sixth year, the CBL Summer Institute brings together faculty, students, and community partners in a two-day institute to learn more about community-based learning and to plan a CBL project for the coming year. Faculty and students receive a stipend for their participation.

Past Workshops

In the past, we have had workshops in the basics of Community-Based Learning as well as facilitated a roundtable discussions that the Center for Teaching & Learning hosted. In Spring 2010, our office hosted Academic Development Day for faculty to learn more about public scholarship and pedagogy. We had several breakout sessions and keynote speakers on how to link the college to the community in an effective way. We also have workshops for community partners to attend-faculty can come to these as well to listen and get a new perspective. Next year, we are planning on having several trainings for our student leaders as well.

We host at least two workshops a semester. Please look for announcements for our next upcoming workshop!

Student-Community Collaborations

Check out the student-community collaborations!