CBL Summer Institute
What is the Summer Institute?
The Office of Community-Based Learning (OCBL)’s Summer Institute gives faculty an opportunity to team up with a community partner and student leader, and work closely with OCBL staff to design a new CBL course or revamp an already existing CBL course.
Logistics & Schedule
The Institute runs for two days during the week, consisting of a tour of Brockton, team building exercises, some nuts and bolts presentations on CBL, and ample time to create projects/syllabi in team groups and then workshop ideas in larger groups.
Who are we looking for?
The ideal faculty applicant will have an idea of how a CBL component might be integrated into the course content and learning outcomes, and will already have a community partner and student leader selected or in mind. The lack of a community partner or student leader does not disqualify any applicant as we will work with you to identify an appropriate partner and leader once we receive applications.
Faculty Expectations & Additional Information
- Selection for the Institute will include the title of CBL Faculty Fellow and a modest stipend of $750—$250 for participating in the Institute and $500 the semester the course will be offered.
- Faculty will be expected to teach the course at some point in the next three semesters.
- Student Leaders will receive a $250 stipend and community partners will receive either a stipend or in-kind donation
- Students will receive room and board for the time of the Institute and will be expected to provide continual leadership for the course
- If you wish to work on an LC at the institute you are more than welcome to! One or both faculty may participate
Application Process
A brief CBL Summer Institute Application is due to the OCBL Office by early spring. Applications are reviewed by the Office of Community-Based Learning and applicants will be notified of the final decisions by email.