TouchNet® Marketplace™ uStores is a secure avenue to accept on-line credit card payments to let students, parents, alumni, and others shop online, register for events, or make donations at the time most convenient for them. Customers will be able to easily navigate to your uStore website.  Each uStore is organized using the familiar shopping cart format with customized products and descriptions. As shoppers make payments, Marketplace automatically updates the G/L accounts in the Banner finance system. Marketplace uStore is PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant!



TouchNet Marketplace is a suite of e-commerce tools that provides campus departments the ability to create, manage, and operate online storefronts using PCI (Payment Card Industry) compliant payment systems for campus-developed web applications.  With Marketplace, your campus department can accept online payments, view real-time reports, and process payment refunds.

Stonehill College has seen an increasing number of requests for credit card merchant accounts for online payment applications. While it can be advantageous to accept credit card payments over the Web, it is also an area of great liability. With credit card fraud and identity theft on the rise, Visa and MasterCard have issued Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards that every merchant on the College campus must be in compliance with in order to continue to accept credit cards and avoid substantial fines and fees.

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards requires that anyone handling any credit card information should be cognizant of and agree to abide by the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards, which can be found at this website.

Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover

If your department is planning for a charitable event to benefit Stonehill College, please contact Stonehill’s Development Department. 

If your department is planning a program/fundraiser to benefit a 3rd party, you will not able to use Marketplace. 

Initial setup of the Store must be created by the Controller’s Office. Click here for the Request Form. Once the Controller’s Office receives your request, we will contact you for a Marketplace Training session and then we will set you up with Marketplace access. 

Yes, however, it is decided case by case. The decision will be made during the Marketplace training with the Controller’s Office and the department. 

Marketplace store setup can take between 5-7 business days to complete.

Payment refunds are processed through Marketplace. Please contact the Associate Controller at extension 1030 for further information.

At the stage of setting up your Store, you were required to provide the FOAPAL (Fund, Org, Acct, etc.). Marketplace automatically feed into Banner on a nightly basis. Therefore, the department’s Marketplace Administrator must check the budget accounts or provide report to the department’s Budget Manager to confirm the Markeptplace deposit daily if necessary.  This will be covered during the Marketplace Training. 

For TouchNet Marketplace, your user name and password can be reset by clicking the “Forgot password?” on the Touchnet log in page. 

Please contact the Associate Controller at extension 1030.