The Faculty Senate, as the elected representative body of the Faculty, has legislative responsibility for these areas. However, to ensure that the work of the Faculty Senate is effective and occurs in an environment where decision-making is valued, we affirm that:

  • A shared commitment to the mission of the College informs all decision-making and structures of governance.
  • Governance is informed by maximum collaboration and consultation, respectful and reasoned discussion, trust between administration and faculty, and consistent communication.
  • Governance occurs in multiple venues, is flexible to accommodate emerging institutional challenges and opportunities, and is accomplished in an institutional culture that balances stability and innovation.
  • Areas of responsibility and the roles of Faculty involved in governance must be unambiguous.
  • Structures of governance must be as simple and straightforward as possible and respect the time commitment of all involved.

The Senate shall have legislative powers concerning academic policies and procedures including curriculum, faculty governance, and promotion and tenure criteria. After the Senate approves or rejects policies and/or procedures, said action(s) shall be presented to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the President of the College for ratification. If the Vice President for Academic Affairs and/or the President of the College do not ratify the proposed action(s), they must give written notice of the basis of their decision within sixty (60) days of the submission for ratification.

The Senate shall have advisory powers concerning College-wide issues.

(Taken from the Standing Rules of the Senate.)

2023-2024 Meeting Schedule

All meetings are on Mondays from 11:30-12:45, except where noted. Meeting may also be attended through Zoom via this link: Senate Meetings 23-24.

Date Meeting Location
8/29/23 (Tuesday) Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
10/2/23 Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
10/30/23 Faculty Assembly May Auditorium
11/6/23 Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
12/4/23 Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
1/29/24 Faculty Assembly May Auditorium
2/5/24 Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
March 2024 TBD Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
April 2024 TBD Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)
4/29/24 Faculty Assembly May Auditorium
5/6/24 Senate Meehan Boardroom (MB 106)


  • Megan Mitchell (Term Expires 2026)

Vice President

  • Ben Marcus (Term Expires 2024)

Senators 2023-2024