2023-2024 Tuition Rates (Starting with Summer 2023)

Graduate Programs Cost per 3 credit course
Data Analytics - Regular Rate $3,573
Data Analytics - Skyhawk Rate $3,186
IMC Tuition – Regular Rate $2,844
IMC Tuition – Skyhawk Rate* $2,318
Inclusive Education – Regular Rate $2,600
Inclusive Education – Skyhawk Rate* $2,340
Inclusive Education – Partner Rate** $1,976
Inclusive Education – Catholic Educator Rate (valid for two non-degree courses) $1,040
Marketing $2,500

*Applicable to Alumni, employees, employee’s spouses, employee's children and/or nieces and nephews of CSC

**Applicable for approved educational partners

Graduate Programs with Fixed Program Tuition Rates Cost
Stonehill Teacher Residency $19,760
Data Analytics – Regular Rate $38,110
Data Analytics – Skyhawk Rate* $33,990

*Applicable to Alumni, employees, employee’s spouses, employee's children and/or nieces and nephews of CSC

Certificate Programs Cost per 3 credit course
Photonics Certificate Program $1,534

2023-2024 Graduate Program Fees

Graduate Program Fees Cost
Registration Fee (per semester) $30
Technology Fee (per semester) $50
Parking Fee (fall and spring semesters only) $30
Graduation Fee (one-time fee) $100
Practicum Fee (one-time fee) $1,000
Tuition Audit Fee $933
Dual Enrollment Fee (current Stonehill seniors) $100
Lab Fees (based on course requirements) $50-100
Recreational Center Fee (optional, per semester) $30

Contact Information

Visit Student Accounts for information on student billing, tuition and fees, payment plans, and tax benefits of education.