Health & Wellness
At the Office of Health and Wellness we offer information on how to live a healthy lifestyle and encourage making positive behavior choices. We believe in promoting the health and wellbeing of students through prevention of illness, injury and disease and through raising awareness of issues affecting the students mind, body and spirit.
Healthy Choices = Successful Students
Make healthy choices everyday!
College is a new and exciting experience for young adults. Throughout your four years we hope you will grow and mature into a well rounded individual. During your time here you will meet new and different people, make new friends and join in a variety of extra curricular or work opportunities. Along the way you will have challenges and successes, both of which will make you a stronger person. Stonehill thrives on educating the entire person, the whole being, mind, body and spirit.
Enzo Surin Presentation
Services Provided
If you would like to request a health related presentation please email See “health topics” list for possible list of presentation topics. Professors, Resident Advisors or students interested in health and wellness issues may request presentations.
We counsel on a variety of topics including but not limited to: basic nutrition/diet assessments, smoking cessation, sleep tips, stress and time management, sexual health questions or relationship/roommate tips. We also offer referrals to the Sodexho Dietitians x1879, the Counseling and Testing Center x1331 and Health Services x1307.
We conduct workshops and seminars on a variety of topics including but not limited to: Healthy Eating and Stress Reduction and Relaxation Techniques.
Our library contains a variety of books useful to college students on topics included but not limited to: Cooking, Eating Disorders, Alcohol, Feng Shui, Vegetarianism, Sports Nutrition, Nutritional Supplements, etc.
In addition we also have a wide variety of pamphlets, brochures, handouts and other health literacy materials on numerous topics. Stop by today to see our selection!
We help sponsor campus wide events which focus on specific health issues such as: Alcohol Awareness Week in October, the Great American Smoke Out in November, World AIDS Day in December, Eating Disorders Awareness Week in February, Safe Spring Break in March and Sexual Assault Prevention in April. If you are interested in learning more about these events or helping out with them please contact us, we’d love to hear from you!
Specific areas of health which we offer information on include:
- Alcohol
- Cold/Flu
- Drugs
- Gambling
- Immunizations
- International Students Health Guide
- Men’s Health
- Mental Health
- My Student Body
- Nutrition
- Peer Health Education
- Physical Activity
- Relationships
- Safety
- Sexual Health
- Sleep
- Smoking
- Spirituality
- Stress and Time Management Skills
- Women’s Health
Wellness Podcasts and Guided Meditations
Wellness Podcasts explore college health topics and what students think and feel about current events issues.
Below are pre-recorded guided meditations to help you relax and unwind.
- Forest Walk Visualization (13 minutes)
- Wildlife Sanctuary Visualization (11 minutes)
- Beach Visualization (7 minutes)
Wellness Week
Did you know that 8 in 10 American’s are stressed? 41% say they lack the time they need to get things done in the day.
Did you know that 65.7% of college students felt overwhelming anxiety?
As we become more and more stressed as a society, our health and wellbeing are being negatively affected causing issues such as lack of sleep, difficulties in relationships, general unhappiness or feelings of fulfillment.
Students in particular are under added pressures from academics, to participation in athletics, clubs, volunteering, work and family obligations which keep adding to their already busy schedule. College was once thought to be a time of reflection and exploration, where meeting new people, building lifelong relationships and enjoying oneself was the expectation. With all the demands students face now, are students forgetting to “stop and smell the roses” so to speak? Are we forgetting about what brings us joy and happiness? Are we spending our time on things we really want to spend time on?
Dr. Laurie Santos from Yale University studied this topic of wellness and happiness and created a course and podcast on these ideas, that what makes us happy isn’t always what we think it is. Making more money, getting that job, having that car or house, won’t bring us happiness.
So what can we do to bring back some of this joy? We present to you, Wellness Week at Stonehill!
What is wellness week?
Wellness Week is a week of activities and events that feed your mind, body and spirit. This week is meant to encourage you to step out of your busy schedule, to try a new activity or routine, to stop, breathe, connect and enjoy! We incorporate yoga, mindful meditation, coloring, healthy eating habits, gratitude, connecting with peers, and more, to show you that your overall health and wellness can be greatly impacted by implementing small, daily, healthy habits into your life.
We like to host a wellness week each semester! If you are interested in participating, hosting a wellness event, or learning more about health and wellness, please reach out to us at
To learn more about Laurie Santo's Happiness Research listen to her podcasts HERE.
Other Alcohol and Drug Information:
Our Drug Free Schools and Campus Regulations Reports
Biennial Review Report:
- Biennial Review Report 2021
- Employee Legal Notices Pamphlet 2015
- Substance Awareness Policy and Statement of Compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
- Student Legal Notices Pamphlet 2020
- Vice President of Student Affairs Letter to First Year Families
Health and Wellness Office
The Office of Health and Wellness offers information on how to live a healthy lifestyle and make positive behavior choices. The office promotes the health and wellbeing of students through prevention of illness, injury and disease, and through raising awareness of issues affecting the students mind, body and spirit.
Health Services
The Office of Health Services offers confidential medical care to all full-time Stonehill students. Its staff includes nurse practitioners, physician assistants and a part-time physician.