Eating away from home can be fun and exciting or a challenge depending upon how you look at it. Stonehill Dining Services and staff dietician Kim Pierce ( are available to help you with any dietary needs and tons of nutrition tips!

Eating Healthy in the Dining Hall

  • Learn what portion sizes are and stick to the recommended number of servings of each food group per day
  • Look for broiled, baked, or grilled meats and steamed veggies
  • Choose lean cuts of meats
  • Drink water or milk instead of soda or sweetened beverages
  • Take a look around before deciding on what to eat


Why is snacking good for you?

  • Healthy snacks are good for you!
  • They give you vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.
  • Gives you energy and improves concentration.
  • Keeps you from overeating at meals.
  • Helps control weight and may keep blood cholesterol down.
  • Plan ahead. Bring fruit, veggies or other healthy snacks with you.
  • Snack consciously. Pay attention to what you’re eating so you won’t overeat. Try snacking without doing anything else.
  • Choose nutrient rich foods (fruit, vegetables and whole grains).
  • Watch for fat and calories. Read food labels and make sure you’re not eating more fat/calories per serving then you think.
  • Space meals and snacks 3-4 hours apart to keep the body fueled.
  • Control your portions and monitor the serving size.
  • If you’re hungry late at night, don’t ignore it. Choose low-fat, low-calorie foods and eat small portions.
  • Toast with jelly or peanut butter
  • Crackers and low fat cheese
  • Crackers with peanut butter
  • Yogurt (plain or add extra fruit or granola)
  • Fruit: Fresh, canned, frozen – eaten plain
  • Fruit with cheese
  • Cereal, pretzels
  • Raisins or other dried fruits
  • Peanut butter and apple slices
  • Raw veggies and low fat dip
  • Pudding made with low fat milk
  • Microwaved low fat popcorn
  • Half a bagel with hummus and a slice of tomato
  • Sunflower or pumpkin seeds, mixed nuts and dried fruit (watch portions)
  • A glass of milk or a yogurt smoothie
  • Homemade fruit pops
  • Frozen “chips”: Sliced banana, frozen
  • Homemade baked tortilla chips
  • Pita bread with cheese, hummus, or bean dip
  • Mini pizzas on English muffins or a mini pita (just add sauce and some cheese)
  • Ants on a log: Celery with peanut butter and raisins
  • Rice cake with peanut butter and jelly

Dietary Restrictions

Do you have a dietary restriction such as a food allergy or Celiac disease? Would you like to learn more about how to navigate the dining hall? You can make an appointment with Health Services to discuss any medications, medical alerts or other dietary concerns. Our campus dietitian is also available in the Roche Dining Commons Room 105, or 508-565-1879. Learn more about dietary restrictions here.

The Office of Health Services offers confidential medical care to all full-time Stonehill students. Its staff includes nurse practitioners, physician assistants and a part-time physician.