Campus Climate Survey
Massachusetts law requires colleges to conduct a sexual misconduct climate survey of all students at the institution not less than once every 4 years. Under the law, the climate surveys must gather information on topics including:
- the number of reported and unreported incidents of sexual misconduct at the institution;
- when and where incidents of sexual misconduct occurred;
- student awareness of institutional policies and procedures related to campus sexual misconduct;
- whether a student reported the sexual misconduct and, if so, to which campus resource the report was made;
- whether a student was informed of or referred to local, state, campus or other resources or victim support services, including appropriate medical care and legal services;
- whether a student was provided with information about resources for protection from retaliation, access to school-based supportive measures and civil justice and criminal justice remedies;
- contextual factors, such as whether the incident of sexual misconduct involved force, incapacitation or coercion;
- demographic information that could be used to identify at-risk groups; and
- perceptions of campus safety among members of the campus community and confidence in the institution's ability to protect against and respond to incidents of sexual misconduct.
2020 Campus Climate Survey Summary