What is LGBTQ+?

LGBTQ+ is a common acronym for the sexual orientations and gender identities of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (or Questioning).  LGBTQ+ is one of many ways to accurately present the diversity of the communities, but you may also see LGBT or GLBT as well. The “+” in LGBTQ+ typically stands to be inclusive of all gender, sexual and human identities and represents welcome to all related communities.

Below is a short list of sexual orientations and gender identities and expressions. However, there are many more!

  • Examples of Sexual Orientations: Gay, Lesbian, Bi/ Bisexual, Queer, Heterosexual
  • Examples of Gender Identities & Expressions: Transgender, Genderfluid, Gender nonconforming, Genderqueer, Cisgender

See full list of glossary of terms, as defined by GLAAD 

Stonehill Trainings and Programs

SafeZone Series

The SafeZone Series workshops are designed to educate the Stonehill community about the history of, differences within, and challenges faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community, both on campus and within a national context.

Stonehill Pride Week

Stonehill PRIDE Week is an annual tradition that seeks to celebrate, appreciate, and honor our students, faculty, and staff at Stonehill who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning, as well as any other underrepresented sexuality and gender identity. Each year, we invite all members of the Stonehill College community to join us as we celebrate our LGBTQ+ community and their supporters.

Events typically include: Pride Rally Kickoff, Coming out Panel, Faculty, Staff and Student Mixer, Closing Parade and Reception

Chosen (Preferred) Name

Stonehill College has a strong commitment to a diverse and inclusive environment where the dignity of each person within our community is respected and affirmed. The College also recognizes that some students and employees may prefer to use first names other than their legal name. To uphold this commitment, the College has developed a policy whereby any current student or employee may elect to use a chosen first name in interpersonal interactions and on campus records whenever applicable and appropriate.

This policy is applicable to changing of first names only and is not applicable for individuals requesting a last name change.

Chosen first name: a name that one may wish to use other than their legal first name to identify oneself. Such examples include:

  1. People who use their middle name instead of their first name
  2. People who use anglicized names
  3. Names that affirm one’s gender identity

Legal first name: a name that appears on official records of identification, such as a person’s passport, driver’s license or government-issued identification cards, birth certificate, or U.S. social security card.

Who should I speak with to request and seek approval for the chosen name?

Students wishing to use a chosen first name must initiate this request with the Office of Intercultural Affairs. Employees of the college wishing to use a chosen first name must initiate this request with the Office of Human Resources.

Because the chosen name has to be updated manually, the process for a chosen name change may take up to ten (10) business days.

Students reach out to the Office of Intercultural Affairs at diversity@stonehill.edu 

Faculty and Staff reach out to the Office of Human Resources at hr-office@stonehill.edu 

National Programs

LGBT History Month

Celebrated in October, each day achievements of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender icons are celebrated. Founded by Rodney Wilson in 1994 LGBT History Month is now endorsed and supported by GLAAD, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and other national organizations.  For more information visit: http://www.lgbthistorymonth.com/.

LGBTQ+ History Month | National Today

National Coming Out Day

Founded by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation this is observed in October (on or around October 11) and celebrated its 28th anniversary in 2016. This day serves as a reminder of the power of coming out and to support those thinking of and going through this experience.  For more information visit: http://www.hrc.org/resources/national-coming-out-day

National Coming Out Day | National Today

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)

This day of remembrance is an annual observation on November 20 that honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. For more information visit: https://www.glaad.org/tdor.

Trans People's Fight for Equality | TEDtalk by Samy Nour Younes

Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV)

This is a day to show support for the trans community and aims to bring attention to the accomplishments of trans people around the world while fighting cissexism and transphobia. For more information visit: http://www.transstudent.org/tdov.

Effective Allyship | TEDtalk by Ashlee Marie Preston

National GLBT Health Awareness Week

This is a week to promote health initiatives that are cause for concern to the LGBTA community. Typically held at the end of March, for more information visit: 

LBGTIQ People Talk About Accessing Health Care

International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia

Celebrated on May 17 this day represents an annual landmark to draw the attention of decision makers, the media, the public, opinion leaders and local authorities to the alarming situation faced by lesbian, gay, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people and all those who do not conform to majority sexual and gender norms. For more information visit: http://dayagainsthomophobia.org/

Transparency International: The Global Coalition Against Corruption

Harvey Milk Day

Harvey Milk was an activist, organizer and first openly gay man elected to public office in the country (member of the Board of Supervisors in San Francisco). He was responsible for passing gay rights ordinances in San Francisco and was assassinated on November 27, 1978.  Celebrated on May 22 (Milk’s birthday) this is a day to educate those of Milk’s pioneering legislation and tireless efforts towards human rights. For more information visit: https://gsanetwork.org/hmd.

Harvey Milk Day

Day of Silence

Celebrated at the end of April this is GLSEN’s annual day of action to protest the bullying and harassment of the LGBT students and their supporters. Students take a day-long vow of silence to symbolically represent the silencing of LGBT students and supporters.  For more information visit: https://www.glsen.org/day-of-silence

National Day of Silence

Celebrate Bisexuality Day / Bi Visibility Day

Celebrated on September 23 this is a call for the bisexual community, their friends and supporters to recognize and celebrate bisexuality, sexual history, bisexual community and culture and all the bisexual people in their lives. For more information visit: http://www.bivisibilityday.com/

Asexuality Awareness Week

Celebrated at the end of October/early November this week is an international campaign that seeks to educate about asexual, aromantic, demisexual and grey-asexual experiences. More information can be found here: http://www.asexualawarenessweek.com/

Intersex Awareness Day

This is an internationally observed civil awareness day, celebrated on October 26, is designed to highlight the challenges faced by intersex people. This grass-roots action aims to end shame, secrecy and unwanted genital cosmetic surgeries on intersex children.  More information can be found here: http://intersexday.org/en/

As a proud alum and current employee, I am grateful that the Stonehill community works together to ‘create a more just and compassionate world’ in a myriad of different ways, but most of all by loving and respecting our fellow community members as we all strive to live true, authentic lives. To be a part of a community that respects and affirms all aspects of my identity, and to share and celebrate our vulnerability, is a great gift.

Contact Information

Duffy Academic Center – 149

The Office of Intercultural Affairs provides academic, cultural and personal support to students of color and other underrepresented students on campus while helping them develop intellectual, social and leadership skills.