The LION (Learning Inside Out Network) program is an intensive international internship and research opportunity for students interested in the theory and practice of global security. The program builds on courses in security studies, conflict analysis and resolution, global crime, economics, environmental studies, human security, and international development through a semester-long international internship experience with an NGO, think tank or media organization in Armenia.

Program Elements

  1. Take a class in security studies, conflict analysis and resolution, global crime, international criminal justice, human security, economics, environmental studies or international development (at your home institution)
  2. Intern and conduct independent research in Armenia in the spring semester.
  3. Participate in three-week long Summer Institute in Armenia and have your research published and presented at an international security conference in Armenia in June

Internship Network

Internships in the Learning Inside Out network include but are not limited to:

  • Transparency International (Armenia)
  • Eurasia Partnership Foundation (Armenia)
  • Center for Agribusiness and Rural Development Foundation (Armenia)
  • (Armenia)
  • Women's Resource Center (Armenia)
  • Caucasus Research Resource Center
  • CARD Foundation


The LION program is open to all social science majors who maintain a GPA of 3.0 and above and have strong writing skills. Prior research experience is desirable and a course in research methods is recommended. Applicants from Colleges and Universities other than Stonehill are welcome to apply; credits from the LION program can be transferred

Anna Ohanyan

Anna Ohanyan

Professor of Political Science, Richard B. Finnegan Distinguished Professor of Political Science and International Relations
Political Science & Intl Relat
Todd S. Gernes

Todd S. Gernes

Associate Professor of History

Piyush Chandra

Professor of Economics