Stephen J. Beauregard

Assistant Vice President for Planning & Budgeting

Matthew C. Borushko

Professor of English

Jessika C. Crockett-Murphy

SGA Executive Vice President
Nicole Cyr

Nicole Cyr

Associate Professor of Biology & Neuroscience, Neuroscience Program Director
Rev. John Denning, C.S.C.

Rev. John Denning, C.S.C.

President's Office
Glen R. Ilacqua

Glen R. Ilacqua

Associate Professor of Accounting
Marie C. Kelly

Marie C. Kelly

Director of Corporate, Foundation & Donor Relations

Teddi Nguyen Lydon

Assistant Director of Intercultural Affairs
Intercultural Affairs

Luke A. Newman

Associate Director of User Support Services
Information Technology

William C. Smith

Assistant Vice President of Student Financial Assistance
Student Financial Assistance
Elizabeth Stringer Keefe

Elizabeth Stringer Keefe

Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies, Director of Stonehill on Cape Cod
Academic Affairs