Travel Policy

Planning to travel for College business? Please read the College's Travel Policy before you go so you know what receipts to save and more. Faculty and staff can log in to PolicyTech to find the Stonehill College Travel Policy. 

Faculty Travel

For most faculty, travel expenses includes travel for the purpose of attending a conference or meeting, presenting a paper at a conference, participating in a workshop, seminar or board meeting of a professional organization, traveling for research purposes, and other such activities. The faculty member will discuss plans for travel with the department chair to ensure that the expenditure of funds is consistent with the faculty member's professional development plans.

Faculty must seek pre-approval from the Dean of the Faculty to spend their faculty development funds on any conference that involves international travel. Preapproval is also required for travel to a conference at which the faculty member is not a presenter.

Travel with Students

For documentation purposes, faculty MUST provide notification prior to traveling off campus with students.


Bank of America Purchasing Card

The Stonehill College Purchasing Card is the preferred method to be used for the majority of business related travel expenses. Employees who rarely travel and do not have a Stonehill College Purchasing Card may use their personal credit card for travel expenses and request a reimbursement via a Travel Accounting Form. (Please go to myHill for more information)