Course Approval & Repeat Processes
Course Approvals:
Students are required to complete a Course Approval Form to be waived from a prerequisite or course restriction (i.e.: major/minor, class year, honors restriction…etc.) The Course Approval Form can be found online at myHill > Offices > Registrar > Registration Forms > Course Approval Form and needs to be signed by the appropriate faculty member (when a signature is required) and returned to the Registrar’s Office, Duffy 112.
Faculty may send email permission to the student in lieu of signing the form, but please note that the Registrar’s Office cannot accept emails directly from faculty since the student needs to complete the Course Approval Form and may need to adjust their schedule. (We will accept email permissions for student who are currently abroad or away from the College.)
Course Approval Steps:
- Complete and submit the online Course Approval Form
- A copy of the form will be emailed to you.
- Print, Sign, and obtain the signature of the relevant faculty member (when required). Students may also attach an email form the faculty to the form. Faculty should not email the Registrar’s Office directly.
- Return the form to the Registrar’s Office, Duffy 112, or scan and email the approved form to for processing.
Note: Course Approvals must be received and processed prior to your registration date/time to add the course in question to your schedule. Approvals do not guarantee you a seat in the class.
When to use a Course Approval Form:
When you have not completed a prerequisite course | Prerequisite Waived |
When you are taking a prerequisite over the summer or transferring in a prerequisite course | Transfer Prerequisite in Progress |
When you want to take a course that is restricted to a specific major(s) or minor(s) | Major/Minor Restriction |
When you want to take a course that is designated for a specific class year(s) | Class Year Restriction |
When a course is designated for Honors Scholars only & you are not an Honors Scholar | Honors Restriction |
When a course requires the permission of the Instructor to register | Faculty Permission Req |
When you want to take a part of a Learning Community. (This is only processed after students who need the entire LC are registered first.) | Take Part of an LC |
When you want to register for two courses that have a minimal time overlap | Time Conflict |
When you want to register for a class that you have previously failed or withdrawn from. | Repeat course if withdrew/failed (only requires Registrar's Office Permission) |
When you want to repeat a course (one time) in which a C-, D+ or D was earned. | Repeat course if earned C-, D+, D (See the Registrar's Office for guidelines) |
When you want to take two Topics courses with the same number in the same semester. (e.g. Take 2 POL 357 Topics in Politics courses in the same semester) | Take 2 Topics with Same (only requires Registrar's Office Permission) |
When you want to add a 1-credit WRI 401 Writing-in- the-Disciplines Supplement to an existing course in order to complete the WID requirement | WRI 401 as 1 cr. Writing-in-the-Disciplines add-on (This form must also be signed by the Asst. Dean of General Education) |
Course Repeat Policy:
Any Student may repeat any course that they withdrew from or failed by completing a Course Approval Form. Students may repeat a course one time in which a C-, D+ or D was earned, under the following rules:
- No more than one course for which a grade of C-, D or D+ was earned may be repeated in a semester.
- Course must be the same number as the original course and may not be taken as a directed study or for Pass/Fail
- The cumulative GPA reflects all grades for repeated courses and is noted on transcript; only the higher grade is calculated in the major or minor GPA.
- Beginning with the Class of 2024, all grades for repeated courses will appear on the transcript, but only the higher grade of a repeated course will be used in the calculation of the cumulative, major, and minor GPAs.
Course Repeats only require the approval of the Registrar’s Office
The Registrar's Office works to safeguard the accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and security of the student information system and of students' academic records; and to provide the accurate and timely dissemination of course and scheduling information.