Applications for Spring 2023 are open!


How will you lead?

Leadership is not something that is ever complete.  There are plenty of times that we do the work of leading, but the work of growing as a leader is a life-long endeavor.  The Anchors Leadership Society gives Stonehill Students the tools and experiences to be a good leader, and the continuing education to continue being formed as a leader.  Each Stonehill student has unique gifts and skills that they will discover and develop through their membership and engagement in the life of the society. This diversity of leadership styles and strengths is not only healthy, but it is necessary in order continually to meet the wide-range of needs our world presents. 

Members must complete an initiation process consisting of four training class sessions, completion of the Lead with Courage training, participation in a leadership workshop, and connect regularly with a mentor at the college.  The initiation process is completed with a formal dinner and ceremony. 

Once initiated, members of the society must continue to participate in leadership development opportunities offered throughout the college.  In addition to the intentional programming and events sponsored by the Anchors Society, there are numerous opportunities offered throughout the college.  This participation is tracked with a simple hours system.  If a member does not maintain the appropriate level of engagement in their own leadership development, they will be placed on probation and finally dismissed from the society.

Grounded in the ideas of Blessed Basil Moreau, CSC and the Congregation of Holy Cross, Stonehill College strives to educate the entire person, mind and heart.  The Anchors Society allows students the space to cultivate a habit of listening, thinking, acting, and leading so that they are prepared to go forth and make a difference in our world, helping to form it into a place where justice and compassion find a home. 

Have Questions? Contact us.

Rev. Timothy N. Mouton, C.S.C.

Rev. Timothy N. Mouton, C.S.C.

Director of First-Year Experience and Leadership Development