Become a Leader in the Business of Art 

Combining knowledge of business and cultural organizations, the arts administration concentration explores topics like the role of arts in society, management strategies, funding venues, and legal and ethical issues in the arts.  

It prepares students for careers and graduate study.   

This preparation begins right away. Our first-year arts administration students investigate topics including:  

  • The role of arts in society 
  • Management strategies 
  • Funding venues 
  • Legal and ethical issues in the arts  

Students may also find that arts administration fits well as a double major with business or communication. The major is also easily combined with a business administration minor. 

Arts & Visual Culture, B.A., Arts Administration Concentration

The Arts & Visual Culture major with a concentration in Arts Administration requires the completion of five core courses and six arts administration courses, including a capstone course. 

Arts Administration Minor

The Arts Administration minor requires the completion of six classes. 

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Arts Administration Courses

Introduction to Arts Administration

Required Course
The course will introduce students to the many facets of arts administration in the visual and performing arts. Topics to be investigated will include: the role of arts in society; management strategies; funding venues; and legal and ethical issues in the arts.

Exhibitions and Collections: An Inside Look

Capstone Course
The Capstone Course is an inside look at the contemporary art world. Visits to art galleries, museums, auction houses, and corporate and private collections introduce students to a variety of art institutions and professions. Students assist in curating an exhibition at the Carole Calo Gallery: meeting with artists to choose work, organizing the exhibition, installation, writing and designing a catalogue, postcards and poster; and planning a reception.

Internship in Arts Administration

Required Internship Experience
Students will gain practical experience in various professional fields related to art administration management or discipline complementary to the work done in courses.

Career Development Resources

The Stonehill Career Development team offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By completing internships and utilizing mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.

Visual & Performing Arts Specific Career Resources

  • Extensive on-campus recruiting program for internships and entry-level positions
  • Annual career fairs
  • Various industry-specific career lunches – arts administration, nonprofits
  • Externships and internships in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. (weeklong and semesterlong programs).

Active Mentors

  • Boston Interactive Web Designer
  • Cengage Learning Associate Content Project Manager
  • Gibbes Museum of Art Membership Coordinator
  • New Hampshire Historical Society Education Programs Coordinator
  • Smithsonian Institution Education Specialist

Visual & Performing Arts Internship Opportunities

Places where visual and performing arts students have recently interned include:

Partnerships & Special Programs

Stonehill College has developed academic affiliations with colleges and universities that enable our students to augment the degree they earn at Stonehill with graduate and undergraduate degrees that further enhance their opportunities.

Compassionate Leadership Through the Arts

The Arts Outreach program pairs under-served children from the nearby city of Brockton with Stonehill mentors. Because most of the Stonehill students who participate have little experience in art, the projects they undertake – ranging from photography and videography to painting and sometimes dance – provide an opportunity for the mentors and mentees to learn and do something new together.

I chose Stonehill for its Arts Administration program. I stayed because of the opportunities available through the department and the commitment of the faculty. Stonehill values service to the community. I found this placement with AmeriCorps through the Career Development Center.

Contact Us With Any Questions

Adam D. Lampton

Associate Professor of Visual & Performing Arts, Visual & Performing Arts Department Chair, Studio Arts Program Director, Art History Program Director
Visual and Performing Arts