Program Overview

Stonehill seeks to develop engineer-innovators who design, explore and create. 

Students have the option of pursuing a four-year bachelor of science degree in computer engineering at Stonehill or a minor in the discipline.

Unlike the highly specialized engineering degrees provided at research universities, our approach is intended to be interdisciplinary and application-oriented, and to emphasize the moral and social background within which the engineer will be working.

About the Computer Engineering Minor

The Computer Engineering minor is available to all students at the College except those pursuing a major in Electrical Engineering. It requires a minimum of six courses offered as part of the Computer Engineering major. Four courses must be unique to the minor and may not count toward the fulfillment of majors or additional minors. The Computer Engineering minor is not intended to provide specialization within an engineering discipline but is designed to complement different majors offered at Stonehill College. Non-Engineering majors are allowed to pursue a minor in Computer Engineering, provided that the course pre-requisites are met.  

A Unique Focus on Emerging Field of Humanistic Engineering

Stonehill’s Engineering Program is grounded in the practice of humanistic engineering. It prepares students for leadership, service and global citizenship. Consistent with the mission of the College, the engineering curriculum fosters critical thinking and emphasizes the understanding of societal and human needs.

In addition to core engineering courses for computer engineering, all engineering students are required to take two humanistic engineering courses —Sustainable Engineering Design and Engineering for Public Good. The sequence of two humanistic engineering courses, offered during junior year, combined with two semester of sustainable development capstone project course, sets Stonehill’s program apart from traditional engineering programs.

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Courses

Data Structures

CSC 211
The fundamental methods used to organize data in computer algorithms: stacks, queues, linked lists, trees, graphs, searching, and sorting. Design and analysis of algorithms.

Computer Architecture

CSC 304
The basics of computer organization, architecture and assembly language. Instructions sets, address modes, and the run/time stack are explored by programming on a RISC machine. CPU and ALU design, performance analysis, pipelining, cache, virtual memory is examined. Trade-offs between RISC, CISC and advanced architectures is discussed. Assumes basic knowledge of digital logic.

Exceptional Opportunities

Earn 2 Degrees: 3+2 Dual-Degree Engineering Programs

In addition to its on-campus four-year engineering programs, Stonehill also offers dual-degree engineering programs through partnerships with two of our sister schools – The University of Notre Dame in Indiana and King’s College in Pennsylvania. The partnerships offers students the potential opportunity to study three years at Stonehill for a science degree and two years at our partner school for their engineering degree.

Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)

The Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) is an opportunity for students who have completed their first year at Stonehill to perform significant, publishable, full-time research under the guidance of and in collaboration with an experienced faculty researcher.

Careers in Computer Engineering

A Growing Industry

Computer engineering is a critical part of growth in countless fields that depend on ever-stronger computing power. The projected growth for computer engineering in the Boston area, and nationally, is considered high.


Over the past year, there have been 58,857 job postings in the Boston-Cambridge-Nashua, Massachusetts-New Hampshire region that require a Computer Engineering degree.


According to Burning Glass Technologies, the field is expected to grow by 17% in the Boston area and by nearly 18% nationwide.

Career and Internship Opportunities

Demand in the computer engineering industry is highest in the following metropolitan areas, with Boston-Cambridge-Nashua, MA-NH ranked 8th in the country.

  1. Washington – Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA, MD-WV
  2. New York-Newark-Jersey City, NJ-NY-PA
  3. Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
  4. Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX
  5. San Francisco-Oakland-Hayward, CA
  • Database Engineering
  • Product Development & Advancement
  • Hardware Engineering
  • Software Engineering
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Computer Programming
  • Engineering Intern
  • Computer Vision Scientist/Engineer
  • Software Engineering Intern
  • UX/UI Design Intern
  • Technical Solutions Intern – Project Analyst
  • Systems Engineering Intern
  • Data Engineer Intern
  • Quality Engineer
  • Cloud Infrastructure Security Developer
  • Network Engineer
  • Software Engineer
  • Project Engineer
  • IT Project Planner
  • Junior Developer
  • Data Engineer
  • IT Consultant
  • Firmware Engineer

Career Development Resources for Students

The Career Development Center offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By completing internships and utilizing mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.

Contact Information

Hassan M. Bajwa

Hassan M. Bajwa

Professor of Engineering/Director/Chair, Computer Science, Data Science Program Co-Director
College Center 110D
Computer Science