Learn to Endow Computer Processes With Intelligence 

At Stonehill, computer science consists of an array of courses that blend computer theory, software applications and computer architecture. Courses in computer theory provide the foundation for tomorrow's technology.

The software component of the curriculum begins with basic computer programming and progresses to more applied topics such as database management systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning. Architecture courses allow students to understand computer hardware from both the engineer's and the programmer's point of view. This balanced mix of theory and application provides graduates with the requisite background for both entry into the computer profession and further graduate study in computer science. 

Core Components of the Program

Courses in computer theory provide the foundation for tomorrow’s technology. Under the rubric of theory, students study topics such as computability, finite state machines and graph theory as well as the design and analysis of algorithms.

The architecture sequence consists of several courses that explore the computer “under the hood.” Architecture courses allow students to understand computer hardware from both the engineer’s and the programmer’s point of view. 

The software component of the curriculum begins with elementary (object oriented) computer programming and progresses to more advanced topics such as database management systems, artificial intelligence and operating systems. In the final Capstone course, student teams develop large software systems using the principles of software engineering.

A Transformation Grounded in Trust

At Stonehill, there is a culture of trust between students and professors. The result is deeper learning both on and off campus and the confidence to push yourself further. Small class sizes and faculty advising ensure each student has the opportunity to discover their purpose.

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Courses

Introduction to Programming

An introduction to computers, programming and problem solving using a modern programming language such as Python, Java, or Visual Basic.

Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science I

Discrete mathematical models for applications in computer science. Mathematical induction, graphs, trees, sets, equivalence relations, functions, and partially ordered sets. Asymptotic complexity, Big-O, and Big Omega, recursion and recurrence equations, finite and infinite sums. Predicate logic and first order logic. Basic counting methods, simple combinatorics. Probability and Markov Chains. Linear algebra, applications of linear algebra in computer science.

Affiliation with Notre Dame Gives Students a Valuable Advantage

Dual-degree program with Stonehill's sister school, the University of Notre Dame expands students’ perspectives and post-graduate opportunities.

Partnerships & Special Programs

Stonehill College has developed academic affiliations with colleges and universities that enable our students to augment the degree they earn at Stonehill with graduate and undergraduate degrees that further enhance their opportunities.

Contact Information

Hassan M. Bajwa

Hassan M. Bajwa

Professor of Engineering/Director/Chair, Computer Science, Data Science Program Co-Director
College Center 110D
Computer Science