Multifaceted Program Keeps You Moving Toward Your Goals

Stonehill dance students experience creative thinking through composition and physical expression, build self-esteem, learn teamwork and presentation skills, and develop an appreciation of the art form that can be a lifetime experience. 

Introductory classes such as Dance Technique offer a compilation of dance styles while more advanced classes, such as Ballet II and Advanced Jazz Dance, allow students to refine their techniques and challenge themselves. 

Students also have the opportunity to help others through an outreach program that pairs Stonehill dance students with children in the local Brockton school districts. Using dance techniques to teach movement exercises, the Stonehill students and their mentees together choreograph and perform a dance show at the end of the semester. 

Performing Arts, B.A., Dance Concentration 

The Performing Arts major with a concentration in Dance requires the completion of nine courses plus three semesters in dance company or dance company, production. 

Dance Minor 

The Dance minor requires the completion of 18 credits. 

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Dance Courses

Introduction to Dance History

This course will explore the history of movement through dance from the primitive to the contemporary. Students will gain a deeper understanding of the history of dance in its social, political and theoretical contexts. Students will learn through lecture, video and readings as well as from demonstrations from guest artists.

Introduction to Dance Composition

This course explores the different approaches to dance choreography. The influence of music, costume and lighting suitable for choreographic purposes and dance performance will also be studied. Different dance styles will be utilized by each student to create combinations that will lend to fully composed original pieces.

Arts Outreach: Dance

Combining art and community service, Stonehill students are paired with middle-schoolers from the greater Brockton area and help lead them through various movement and performance activities. Students with an interest not only in dance, but in theatre, sociology, psychology, art therapy and education, are encouraged to participate. There is no experience needed.

Dance Company 

The Stonehill College Dance Company provides performing experience for qualified students through participation in a company that reflects the spirit of the College. The company is comprised of auditioned dancers who learn choreography from well-known area choreographers and perform in various venues on and off campus throughout the semester. Individual creative expression is emphasized. 

Clubs and Organizations

Although not affiliated with the Visual & Performing Arts Department, these student organizations are geared toward students interested in dance.

The Dance Club welcomes all students interested in the art of dance to learn various dance routines. The Dance Club hosts a semester recital once a semester so the campus community may enjoy the work of the club. 

The Stonehill College Dance Team is an intercollegiate team that practices weekly with a goal of competing at and placing in various dance competitions across the country. Tryouts are held each semester. Each year the team also competes at NDA College Nationals. 

Internships & Graduate Outcomes 

Stonehill students of dance have many opportunities for internships in arts administration. Two recent internship placements were at Urbanity Dance Co. in Boston and Alison Cook Beatty Dance Co. in New York City. 

Students have combined dance with their science curriculum to form degrees that can be used in graduate studies of dance movement analysis and kinesiology. 

Continue exploring Visual & Performing Arts graduate outcomes.

Students of dance at Stonehill learn to develop their creative expression not only through performance but also in their technique and theory of dance composition classes.

Career Development Resources

The Stonehill Career Development team offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By completing internships and utilizing mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.

Visual & Performing Arts Specific Career Resources

  • Extensive on-campus recruiting program for internships and entry-level positions
  • Annual career fairs
  • Various industry-specific career lunches – arts administration, nonprofits
  • Externships and internships in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. (weeklong and semesterlong programs).

Active Mentors

  • Boston Interactive Web Designer
  • Cengage Learning Associate Content Project Manager
  • Gibbes Museum of Art Membership Coordinator
  • New Hampshire Historical Society Education Programs Coordinator
  • Smithsonian Institution Education Specialist

Video created by Stonehill Dance Company member Kayla Provencher ’20 featuring academic dance classes, dance team, R.U.C.K.U.S., Stoneworks Dance Company and Irish Step

Compassionate Leadership Through the Arts

The Arts Outreach program pairs under-served children from the nearby city of Brockton with Stonehill mentors. Because most of the Stonehill students who participate have little experience in art, the projects they undertake – ranging from photography and videography to painting and sometimes dance – provide an opportunity for the mentors and mentees to learn and do something new together.

Partnerships & Special Programs

Stonehill College has developed academic affiliations with colleges and universities that enable our students to augment the degree they earn at Stonehill with graduate and undergraduate degrees that further enhance their opportunities.

Contact Us With Any Questions

Valerie Robertson

Valerie Robertson

Assistant Professor of Dance, Dance Program Director, Director of the Stonehill Dance Company
Visual and Performing Arts