If scrutinizing information using data analysis tools and helping employers or clients make important decisions by identifying facts and trends from that information sounds right for you, then consider earning a Master of Professional Studies Degree in Data Analytics at Stonehill

Part of Stonehill's AACSB-accredited business program, the data analytics master’s at Stonehill provides students with what they need to work in the ever-growing field of data analytics. 

A Field Desperate for Skilled Data Analysts

Data is an integral part of how both nonprofits and for-profits do business today, and the need for skilled workers who understand how to interpret data is at an all-time high. 

A study performed by Accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms, found that over 90% of their clients have data analytics goals in their strategic plans. However, when it came time to hiring employees with these skills, over 60% of searches failed.

By earning a Master’s in Data Analytics, you’ll gain the skills necessary to fill the market gap. And because data is here to stay, you’ll also enjoy a high rate of job security.

The Master’s in Data Analytics Degree Program at Stonehill

Students in Stonehill’s Data Analytics Master of Professional Studies Program not only earn a master’s degree, but also earn up to three SAS credentials. In addition, the program’s executive (low-residency) format is built to accommodate the many demands on your time. You can pursue your degree full time and finish in 12 months or attend part time and complete up to two courses per semester. 

Built to Accommodate Your Career and Foster Networking

The low-residency format combines online with in-person instruction that brings students together on campus about one weekend a month. It’s an approach that gives students the flexibility to study remotely without sacrificing the tremendous value of being able to network and collaborate with classmates who are charting similar paths.

Stonehill's program follows a executive (low-residency) format. Each full-time cohort begins the program together in the fall. Classes occur over a full calendar year, with graduation taking place the following August. Part-time students can begin the program in the fall or spring semester.

Courses in the program are delivered using a hybrid model of in-person and online coursework. You’ll attend weekend residencies approximately one weekend a month. Students also attend a three-day intensive residency at the start of each semester.

Wondering what type of skills you’ll learn? Here are some of the courses you’ll take in the program:

  • Data Analytics: Tools & Concepts
  • Statistics for Data Analytics
  • Structured Data Analytics Using SAS
  • Database & Data Warehouse Concepts
  • Visualization and Digital Storytelling
  • Big Data Management
  • Security, Privacy, and Ethics in Data Analytics
  • Emerging Topics in Data Analytics
  • Major Field Project/Capstone

Weekend residences begin Friday night. You’ll have dinner with faculty and other members of your cohort, before attending an evening class. On Saturday, you’ll start off the day with a cohort breakfast, followed by morning class, group lunch, and afternoon class before heading home around 4 or 5 p.m. You’ll also attend a three-day intensive residency at the start of each semester.

The best part about going through the program with the same cohort of people is how well you’ll get to know each other. You’ll discuss best practices, talk about the challenges you face in your jobs, and share how you're putting into practice the skills you learn throughout the program. 

Earn SAS Academic Specialization

SAS Logo

A partnership with SAS, a trusted analytics powerhouse, gives graduate students in Stonehill’s data analytics program a valuable suite of resources and a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

SAS has granted Stonehill the ability to award a Tier 3 SAS Academic Specialization as part of the College’s Data Analytics Master of Professional Studies Degree Program. It is the highest level of credential that SAS offers its academic partners.

Students who complete the program receive both a master’s degree and this academic specialization, affirming their technical expertise in conducting advanced data analysis in various SAS products. Students also have the option of pursuing up to two professional certifications.

Meehan School of Business

The Data Analytics Master of Professional Studies Degree program is housed within The Meehan School of Business at Stonehill. The Meehan School provides the tools and teaching that allows students to recognize and seize opportunities in a rapidly evolving global economy. Opened in August 2019, the new state-of-the-art $35 million business school offers cutting edge technology and adaptive, modern classrooms and collaboration spaces. 

Earn a Master’s in Data Analytics. Go Anywhere. 

Organizations in all types of industries have data analytics goals in their strategic plans. However, when it came time to hiring employees, over 60% of searches failed to find workers with the right skills.

By earning a Master’s in Data Analytics, you’ll gain the skills necessary to enter pretty much any industry you are interested in. And because data is here to stay, you’ll also enjoy a high rate of job security once you get there. Now that’s a smart choice.