Program Overview

In the ethical leadership minor's discussion-centered classes, you will develop a better sense of yourself and your values.  You’ll explore what sort of person you want to be, what it means to be an ethical person and leader, and what keeps us from doing the right thing.  You’ll talk to and study people whose views and experiences differ from your own, and you’ll learn from them, while practicing standing up for what you believe.  You’ll explore practical ways to improve yourself and the world, and you’ll put your best ideas into action.  

Through elective courses, you will be able to focus on social justice, studying racism and political activism. You can explore the role of religion in ethics, studying Buddhism or the social teachings of the Catholic church. You may also connect the minor with your major, e.g., by studying biomedical or environmental ethics.  

Ethical leadership minors are encouraged to supplement work in the minor with participation in the Anchor leadership program.  


Featured Courses

Topics in Ethics: Character and Moral Psychology

A discussion-based course that investigates what it means to be an ethical person, paying special attention to compassion, humility, and self-reflection.  We’ll consider how psychology, culture, and environment affect our ability to do the right thing and how they can shape our views of right and wrong in the first place.  This course meets the MI requirement.

Biomedical Ethics

Discussion and resolution of ethical problems associated with the practice of medicine and the pursuit of biomedical research. Topics include: ethical issues in human experimentation; euthanasia; abortion; fetal research; and reproductive technologies.

This is What Feminism Looks Like

Taylor Swift claims she’s feminist. So does Beyoncé. But are they right? What is a feminist? Feminism, at base, is any movement that seeks justice for women. But historically, feminists disagree about what justice for women looks like. This course provides students with a deeper understanding of the many forms of feminism by exploring concepts central to feminist thought.

Environmental Ethics

This course considers traditional ethics and contemporary, radical approaches to discern the “good” in human-nature relations. Students engage in collaborative projects that engage the campus in changing behavior to better meet the relevant ethical good.

Contact Information

Brendan O'Sullivan

Brendan O'Sullivan

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Philosophy Department Chair