Program Overview

Gender & Sexuality Studies is an interdisciplinary field that combines the social sciences and humanities in order to examine how and why gender matters in our lives and in our world. Informed by feminist and queer theoretical perspectives, it explores the differences within and between men and women and the construction of those differences within gendered systems of oppression.

Unlike similar programs elsewhere, where institutional dogma might muzzle debate, Stonehill College is welcoming to those who bring diverse opinions and viewpoints to the discussion.

Competitive Advantages

Students in the Gender & Sexuality Studies major will learn the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to enter the job market or pursue graduate study in a variety of fields including women’s studies, sociology, psychology, English and history.

You will be able to develop expertise through directed studies and gain practical experience through internships, both of which will help you develop your career path.

Other attributes of the program include:

  • Customizable program to meet individual interests and needs
  • Highly interpersonal, one-on-one interaction with dedicated faculty mentors
  • Flexible course schedule
  • Manageable course requirements

Gender & Sexuality Studies is an excellent double major or minor for students who want to distinguish themselves on the job market.

It’s not uncommon for students to combine this major with one in marketing, psychology, or political science and international studies. A student with a major in business and gender and sexuality studies enters the marketplace with a distinct competitive advantage, especially as companies seek to implement equitable hiring and employment practices.

The following are learning experiences we hope all gender and sexuality studies students have before graduating:

  • Examining the impact of gender and sexual identity on human relations within local, national, transnational and/or global communities (historically and/or currently)
  • Analyzing how race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, religion and/or nationality intersect with gender identity and impact gendered analyses
  • Critically reading, recognizing and analyzing the construction of gender and sexuality in a variety of texts (written, visual, other)
  • Examining a student’s own gender role assumptions and identity
  • Understanding the history and implications of gender and sexuality in questions of social justice
  • Connecting scholarly inquiry to gender/queer justice through service, internships and practica
  • Understanding how gender and sexuality are defined and reproduced within ideological institutions
  • Engaging in candid, respectful dialogue about subjects that may be sensitive or controversial

The Gender & Sexuality courses I took changed the course of my Stonehill experience and, to be honest, my life. The knowledge I gleaned was the catalyst for my activism, the focus of my academics, and work I continue to do as a professional."

Gender & Sexuality Studies Curriculum

Gender & Sexuality Studies courses focus on a range of gendered institutions, such as family, work, religion, education, health, medicine, media and politics. Our courses also investigate the many ways scholars, artists and activists have researched, represented and critiqued our gendered world.

Among the topics students can expect to study are:

  • The impact of gender and sexual identity on human relations within local, national, and global communities
  • The relationship of gender to race, class, ethnicity, sexuality, ability, religion, and nationality
  • The distinctions among biological sex, gender, sexual orientation, and sexual identity
  • The history and implications of gender and sexuality in questions of social justice

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Featured Gender & Sexuality Studies Courses

Introduction to Gender & Sexuality Studies

Featured Course
This course fosters critical thinking about sex and gender. It is an interdisciplinary and cross-cultural study of the key questions and debates surrounding the biological, psychological and sociological determinants of gender. This course examines historical and contemporary issues including systems of gender oppression, media, education, work, parenting, health and wellness, and violence.

Psychology of Women

Examination of how and why women behave as they do, both from the perspective of cultural beliefs and scientific research. Topics include: contemporary psychodynamic and social constructionist theories of women's psychology; theoretical models of gender identity and gender roles as well as empirical bases for claims about gender differences; specific disorders associated with women; trends in current theory building; and language and communication bias. 

Gender and Popular Culture

This course will introduce students to the role popular culture has in creating gender norms and expectations. Viewing gender as "socially constructed," this course seeks to critically investigate how ideas about gender are created and resisted through popular culture. The course focuses on how cultural understandings of masculinity and femininity circulate in popular culture. Various pop culture genres are considered including advertising, television, film and children's media.

Where Our Graduates Work

Stonehill Gender & Sexuality Studies graduates go on to work at a range of notable organizations. Continue exploring where Stonehill graduates work. 

Learn More About Our Gender & Sexuality Studies Program

  • Courses & Requirements

    To view our courses and program requirements for gender and sexuality studies, please view our online course catalog.

  • Internship Opportunities

    All Gender & Sexuality Studies majors are required to complete an internship or a directed study. See where our students have completed internships.

  • Graduate Outcomes

    Stonehill students in the Gender & Sexuality Studies major will learn the critical thinking and analytical skills necessary to enter the job market or pursue graduate study in a variety of fields, including women’s studies, sociology, English and history.

Contact Information

Megan K. Mitchell

Megan K. Mitchell

Associate Professor of Philosophy, Gender & Sexuality Studies Program Director