Program Offerings

This program leads to a master's degree in inclusive education with a specialization in autism or diversity, equity and inclusivity, or Massachusetts teacher licensure in math/science, 5-8, or special education, PreK-8 or 5-12.

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • Spring Semester: January 1
  • Summer Semester: May 1
  • Fall Semester: August 1

See all application instructions and apply today!

The Stonehill Teacher Residency is a unique program that provides graduate teacher candidates an intensive field-based residency in a partner district alongside their graduate coursework. This program leads to a master's degree in inclusive education with Massachusetts initial licensure in math/science, 5-8, or special education, PreK-8 or 5-12.

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • May 1

Explore application instructions and apply today!

Stonehill in Boston's Inclusive Education Master's Degree Program is a weekend master's degree program that allows students to pursue their coursework at our off-campus instructional site in Boston. This program leads to a master's degree in Inclusive Education and initial Massachusetts licensure in special education, PreK-8 or 5-12.

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • January 26

Explore application instructions and apply today!

Stonehill on Cape Cod's Inclusive Education Master's Degree Program is a weekend master's degree program that allows students to pursue their coursework at our off-campus instructional site in Sandwich, Massachusetts. This program leads to a master's degree in Inclusive Education and initial Massachusetts licensure in special education, PreK-8 or 5-12.

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • October 27

Explore application instructions and apply today!

The Inclusive Education Postbaccalaureate Licensure Program leads to Massachusetts initial licensure in math/science, 5-8, or special education, 5-12. Students can complete their coursework on campus or at one of our off-campus instructional sites. 

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • Stonehill on Cape Cod (special education, 5-12, licensure only): October 27
  • Spring Semester: January 1
  • Stonehill in Boston (special education, 5-12, licensure only): January 26
  • Summer Semester: May 1
  • Fall Semester: August 1

Explore application instructions and apply today!

The Diversity, Equity & Inclusivity (DEI) Graduate Certificate Program prepares educators who keep social justice, equity and democratic education at the center of their practice.

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • Spring Semester: January 1
  • Summer Semester: May 1
  • Fall Semester: August 1

Explore application instructions and apply today!

The Understanding Autism Graduate Certificate Program prepares educators to support the complex needs of autistic students using democratic education, self-advocacy and social justice as a critical lens in their work. Candidates who qualify with state requirements can also earn the Massachusetts Autism Endorsement for Educator Licensure upon completion of the program.

Upcoming Application Deadlines

  • Spring Semester: January 1
  • Summer Semester: May 1
  • Fall Semester: August 1

Explore application instructions and apply today!

Contact Information

Duffy – 124/126

Graduate & Professional Studies Admission assists students as they explore graduate and professional opportunities offered at Stonehill College.