Internship Opportunities

Our students have pursued internships, directed studies and study abroad opportunities all over the world. 

Stonehill accepts transfer credits from programs that include:

  • Al-Quds Bard College for Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Hebrew University, semester abroad and summer programs
  • Ulpan Akiva, for Hebrew and Arabic
  • University of Haifa
  • Arab Language Institute in Fez
  • Qasid – Arabic Language Institute, Jordan)
  • American University in Cairo
  • ARANAS Arabic and North African Studies (Morocco)

Nick Creedon '13 on His Experience Abroad

"What stands out the most to me when I think about the Middle East Studies Program is what I learned from the four months I spent in Doha, Qatar. 

Nick Creedon '13 pictured in front of Burj Al Arab, a hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Creedon pictured in front of Burj Al Arab, a hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates

I can remember being nervous and excited at the same time, knowing that I would leave the country with a plethora of stories, abundant knowledge and an indescribable understanding of Middle Eastern culture. The people who I lived and studied with came from all parts of the Middle East and were eager to share their cultural values and customs with my group.

Our friendships have lasted long after my departure from Doha and the people I met and their stories will stick with me forever. My knowledge of Middle Eastern culture, language, people and customs grew profoundly from experience abroad.

Stonehill is an academic institution that believes firmly in the importance of hands on, real-life work and study, not just classroom learning. When I went to Doha in the Spring of 2011, the API program there was in its first year and my group of seven students from across the country was the first to venture to Qatar.

Yet Stonehill’s rigorous academics, outstanding leadership and hunger to push students further both in and out of the classroom prepared me for the chance to learn in an environment far different from my own.

I believe that all Middle East Studies minors should study abroad as part of their education, as there is simply no way to learn about other peoples and cultures in such rich detail than to go to those distant places, to live and study. There is no better learning tool than experience. The connection between rigorous academic standards and cultural understanding is clear in the Middle East Studies program at Stonehill College, the professors are clearly experts in their fields and strive to push their students to excellence.” - Nicholas Creedon '13

Contact us with any questions.

Shari L. Lowin

Shari L. Lowin

Professor of Religious Studies & Theology, Middle Eastern Studies Program Director
Religious Studies & Theology