Internship & Research Opportunities
Experiencing Life as a Neuroscientist
The Neuroscience Program at Stonehill College combines faculty expertise and extensive internships to consistently place students in top-tier graduate programs and professional positions.
Internship Opportunities
There are several internships for students in the Neuroscience program. During the school year, students are encouraged to seek research experience either at Stonehill or at nearby institutions such as the Harvard-affiliated laboratories at the nearby Brockton VA Medical Center.
The National Science Foundation sponsors a program called Research Experiences for Undergraduates which makes it possible for undergraduates from different schools to participate in ongoing research at many large research institutions. Students are encouraged to apply to these competitive programs.
Upon completion of such programs, students are encouraged to work with their research mentors and to present the results of their work at regional conferences such as the Northeast Undergraduate Research Organization for Neuroscience.
Career Development Resources for Students
The Stonehill Career Development Center offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By completing internships and utilizing mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.
Among the places where our students have recently interned:
Fighting the ‘Glass Cliff’ with Science
Organizations often tap female executives when they’re on the verge of collapse. A student-professor research team hopes science will show it’s unfair to blame gender when the collapses happen.
Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
SURE is an opportunity for students who have completed their first year at Stonehill to perform full-time, high-quality research over the summer months under the guidance of an expert faculty researcher. A student in the SURE program spends 8-10 weeks of the summer collaborating with a professor - and sometimes other students - on an original research project that fits into the faculty member’s overall research program.
The experience includes postgraduate career seminars, program-wide outings, weekly lunches, and a student poster session in the fall. SURE students generally live on campus and receive a stipend for their summer work.
- Alyssa L. Desruisseaux '17 worked with John McCoy, professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, on “Neurocognitive dysfunction in patients with schizophrenia.”
- Mackenzie Gamble '16 worked with John McCoy, professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, on “vGlut2-td Tomato transgenic mice as a model system for the investigation of basal forebrain glutamatergic neurons.”
Brockton VA Medical Center
The Neuroscience program has a long-established and unique relationship with the Harvard-affiliated neuroscience laboratories at the VA Medical Center. This internship program is co-directed by Dr. Robert Strecker of Harvard Medical School and Boston VA Healthcare System and Prof. John McCoy of Stonehill College.
Research internships are available in the Neuroscience Laboratory at the West Roxbury VA to study the neurobiological basis of sleep, and sleep disorders. Research internships are also available through this program to study the neuropsychology of schizophrenia in the Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory at the Brockton VA. Students are encouraged to apply for these competitive opportunities.
Summer Research Opportunities
Stonehill students participate in highly competitive and prestigious summer research programs working in university and industry labs across the U.S. and around the world. Students collaborate one-on-one with practicing scientists, learning what it’s like to be part of a major research team and gaining hands-on experience for the future. Recent experiences include:
- Judith P. Sulzberger Internship Program at the Institut Pasteur in Paris
- Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program in Nanotechnology at UMass–Amherst
- Harvard Stem Cell Institute Summer Program
- New England Primate Research Center Summer Training Program
- NSF-ThaiREU Program in Chemistry in Bangkok, Thailand at the Chulabhorn Research Institute
- ACS IREU Summer Program at University of Strathclyde, Scotland
- AMGEN Summer Scholars Program at University of California-San Diego
- Columbia University REU Summer Program in Organic Chemistry
The greatest advantages given to me by the Neuroscience Department were the research and internship opportunities.
I know that I have stood out in the applicant pool because of my real-world experience; it has definitely made me a better employee.