Course Details

  • September 11 to December 18, 2023
  • Online: Tuesdays, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
  • In Person: Saturdays, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. (September 23, October 21, November 18, December 16)
  • 3 credits | $300
  • Last day to register: June 15, 2023

Course Overview

In this course, we will examine some perennial issues in philosophy, including the nature of the self, knowledge, friendship and love, tragedy, and freedom and justice. 

Course Advantages

In an age fraught with deception and misinformation, students need tactics and strategies in order to separate truth from falsity. This course encourages its participants to act as skeptics — not cynics, necessarily — by requiring evidence and proof before believing or accepting claims. Students are urged to identify the most-likely-to-occur opportunities for deception in their major fields and draw from the tenets of classical rhetoric, logic and the scientific method in order to develop safeguards. 

About the Instructor

George A. Scala

Adjunct Professor of Writing
George Scala is excited to be working with you during this summer session. He has been here at Stonehill since fall 2015, and also teaches at Suffolk University and Massasoit Community College. His reading interests include current topics in science, horology, magic, skepticism, American literature and art history. In the summer, he enjoys growing potatoes in his backyard. He loves shoes, too, and hopes to become a cobbler someday.