Philosophy Graduate Outcomes
Stonehill Philosophy students have successfully gone on to pursue advanced degrees and parlay their studies into careers that span a broad spectrum of professions.
12 law schools, 3 honors and 1 strong desire to pay it forward
Stonehill student Pierce Holmes ’19 was accepted at a dozen of the most renowned law schools in the nation and honored as senior of the year by faculty in his two majors, philosophy and communication.
Career Outcomes
Places where Stonehill graduates have recently been employed include:
- Axeda Corp.
- Boston Children’s Hospital
- Liberty Mutual
- Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General
- Peace Corps
- State Farm
- WinterWyman
Graduate/Professional School Studies
Places where Stonehill graduates have recently attended a full- or part-time graduate program include:
- Boston College
- Boston University
- Hofstra University
- Northeastern University
- Suffolk University
- University of Connecticut
- University of Edinburgh
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Villanova University