Religious Studies & Theology Honor Society Affiliations
Theta Alpha Kappa
Campus Chapter: Alpha Gamma Eta
Theta Alpha Kappa, the National Honor Society in religious studies and theology, was established in 1976 at Manhattan College in New York City. The Alpha Gamma Eta chapter at Stonehill College was established in 1996, joining more than 100 TAK chapters at colleges and universities throughout the United States.
The purposes of Theta Alpha Kappa are to:
- Further the study of religion and theology
- Encourage excellence in research, learning, teaching and publication
- Foster the exchange of ideas among scholars
- Sponsor activities for the realization of these purposes
Lambda Epsilon Sigma
Stonehill’s campus-wide honor society, Lambda Epsilon Sigma, recognizes students from all areas of study. Students who have demonstrated a well-rounded thirst for knowledge are invited to apply.
Religious Studies, Theology & the Stonehill Honors Program
The Stonehill College Honors Program encourages and challenges students through a curriculum taught by the most gifted and demanding professors at the College.
In both the Cornerstone Program and the majors, religious studies and theology honor courses are designed to stimulate independent thought by combining rigorous academic standards and classroom discussions with relevant and stimulating extracurricular events.
Through an enhanced learning experience in smaller classes, the program aims to lead students into lasting habits of reflection and a life of the mind that includes a full and creative engagement with the world.
Students are encouraged to meet with the Department chair or with any member of the department to discuss these opportunities.
Contact us with any questions.