Religious Studies Internships & Opportunities
Internship Opportunities
Places where religious studies students have recently interned include:
- Archbishop Williams High School
- Archdiocese of Boston, Office of Youth Ministry
- Brockton District Court
- Brockton Interfaith Community
- Brockton VA Hospital
- Catholic Relief Services
- Mainspring Homeless Shelter
- My Brother’s Keeper
- Various law offices
Each time philosophical, moral or religious issues are discussed, whether in class or beyond, the multitude of perspectives is not only recognized but respected and given equal consideration.
Research Opportunities
In addition to learning basic principles, religious studies students gain a working knowledge of academic approaches to the studies of religions classes.
Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE)
SURE is an opportunity for students who have completed their first year at Stonehill to perform full-time, high-quality research over the summer months under the guidance of an expert faculty researcher. A student in the SURE program spends eight-10 weeks of the summer collaborating with a professor – and sometimes other students – on an original research project that fits into the faculty member’s overall research program.
The experience includes postgraduate career seminars, program-wide outings, weekly lunches and a student poster session in the fall. SURE students generally live on campus and receive a stipend for their summer work.
Sample Projects:
- Andrew Norkiewicz ’14 worked with John Lanci, professor of Religious Studies, on “EcoSpirituality: A Reader,” which will approach environmental studies from religious and scientific perspectives.
- Olivia Osiecki ’16 worked with Nathaniel DesRosiers, associate professor of Religious Studies, on “Women in the Greco World.”
Study Abroad
The religious studies faculty encourages students who have the desire, the academic skills and the opportunity to avail themselves of the College’s established international programs.
The faculty has available information on a wide variety of archaeological sites, religious studies programs and internship possibilities located abroad. Students are encouraged to meet with the department chair or with any member of the department.
Directed Study
Students may investigate, in depth, a subject matter that is not treated in one of the ordinary courses as part of a directed study project for credit. Such a project is ordinarily in the area of concentration or in some field for which the student is especially prepared.
Career Development Resources for Students
The Stonehill Career Development Center offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By completing internships and utilizing mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.
Religious Studies-Specific Career Resources
- Extensive on-campus recruiting program for internships and entry-level jobs
- Annual career fairs
- Externships and internships in New York; Washington, D.C.; and Los Angeles (weeklong and semesterlong programs)
Active Mentors:
- Berklee College of Music Assistant Director of the Berklee Fund
- Blessed Sacrament Parish Youth Minister and Confirmation Director
- Columbia University Collections Assistant
- South Shore Mental Health Licensed Mental Health Counselor
- Town of Marshfield High School Math Teacher
Contact us with any questions.