Program Overview

A major in secondary education provides graduates with the foundation needed to successfully lead in a secondary classroom. Completion of the Secondary Education program leads to initial teaching licensure from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in one of the following subject areas:  

  • Biology (Grades 8 – 12)
  • Chemistry (Grades 8 – 12)
  • English (Grades 5 – 12)
  • French (Grades 5 – 12)
  • History (Grades 5 – 12)
  • Mathematics (Grades 8 – 12)
  • Spanish (Grades 5 – 12)

Comprehensive and Career-Focused

The three pillars of the Secondary Education program include:

  1. a comprehensive curriculum focused on deep content understanding and research-based, best practices for teaching students at the secondary level
  2. a comprehensive pre-practicum / practicum sequence including opportunities for field-based experiences beginning as early as their first semester in the program
  3. career-focused mentoring from a dedicated faculty and staff with decades of experience across the PreK-12 spectrum, as classroom teachers, educational leaders and researchers.  

A Broad Curriculum Supported By Seasoned Instructors

The comprehensive curriculum reflects secondary educators’ passion for their content and their desire to spark this same interest in their secondary students. At Stonehill College, secondary education candidates major in their disciplinary content areas to gain deep knowledge of the content and practices in their field. Candidates also major in secondary education to experience a comprehensive study of research based best practices in secondary teaching and learning.

This requirement provides important advantages to all future secondary education teachers. Completion of a second major deeply enriches their studies, allowing them to provide focused and knowledgeable instruction on particular subject areas in their own classrooms someday.

  • EDU 102 Foundations of Education  
  • EDU140 Teaching the Adolescent Learners
  • EDU 207 English Language Learners in the Classroom
  • EDU 214 The Inclusive Secondary Classrooms
  • EDU 301 Assessment & Analysis in Education
  • EDU 307 Classroom Management
  • EDU 310 Content Specific Pedagogy
  • EDU 330 Reading & Writing in the Content Area 
  • EDU 315 Curriculum & Instruction
  • EDU 437/439 Practicum: Secondary
  • EDU 440 Practicum Reflective Seminar


Education majors desiring teacher licensure must also complete a major from the following list:

Education Department earns endorsement for undergraduate programs

The College is recognized for its commitment to the importance of experiential learning to prepare for future careers in education.

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Featured Secondary Education Courses

The Inclusive Secondary Classroom

This course is a review of the legal requirements, assessment responsibilities and the instructional methods used for supporting students with special needs in secondary classrooms. There is a strong emphasis on collaboration and universal design to include all students as well as differentiation to meet individual needs. Field Work is required of all students enrolled in this course. Students are placed in general education and resource classrooms to observe and assist.

Assessment & Analysis in Education

This course is a systematic and comprehensive exploration that introduces the prospective teacher to the elements of measurement and elements of evaluation essential to good teaching. Course content also examines statistical reasoning as it applies to educational research and practice.

Content Specific Pedagogy

Knowledge for teaching is both generalizable and specific. All teachers must have an understanding of pedagogy more generally, understanding theories of: learning, development, classroom management, assessment, and curriculum design. But teachers also need pedagogical knowledge that is content specific.  This course will provide pre-service secondary education teachers an opportunity to explore pedagogical approaches particular to their discipline and to examine the pedagogical decisions that content teachers must make as they design, deliver and reflect upon effective lessons.

Creating Connections Between Theory and Practice

To complement their coursework, the Secondary Education program includes a comprehensive pre-practicum / practicum sequence designed to ensure that our graduates have experience working with students and teachers across the grade levels covered by their licensure. All secondary education majors have the opportunity as early as their first semester in the program to complete field placements alongside general education and special education teachers in a variety of school and community settings. These experiences more than prepare our students to complete a full semester practicum (student teaching) in their focus content area alongside a supervising practitioner during their senior year.

Students also complete pre-practica alongside specific courses to enhance their connections between the theory of the college classroom and the reality of secondary level classroom practice.

  • Holbrook Middle/High School 
  • Brockton High School 
  • Cardinal Spellman High School (Brockton, Massachusetts) 
  • Norton Middle School 
  • Stoughton Homework Project 

Career-focused Mentoring

Stonehill’s small class sizes allow licensure candidates to receive career-focused mentoring. Through experiences both inside and outside the classroom, dedicated faculty and staff with decades of experience across the PreK-12 spectrum work with licensure candidates to individualize their program to meet their interests and future career goals. 

Faculty teaching in the Secondary Education program have extensive teaching experience in public and private middle and high school settings; deliver professional development to teachers, schools and districts across the Commonwealth and across the nation; present their research at local, regional and national conferences; work in the field in places such as Boston Children’s Hospital; and serve on the boards of several professional organizations. This wealth of experience and connection to PreK-12 schools and teachers enables the faculty to provide high quality, practical educational experiences to Stonehill students.  

Bolstering Professional Experience, Making an Impact

Elementary education students also have access to other opportunities that bolster their professional experience before they even graduate. The Stonehill Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) is an opportunity for students who have completed their first year at Stonehill to perform significant, publishable full time research under the guidance of and in collaboration with an experienced faculty researcher.

The experience helps to solidify and define students' career choices, both through graduate school decisions and in post-college employment. All SURE Scholars and faculty mentors receive a stipend for an 8- or 10-week full-time summer session.

Career Development Resources for Students

The Stonehill Career Development Center (CDC) offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By working with our mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.

Education Studies Specific Career Resources

  • Education Mock Interview Week – Alumni in administrative positions in school districts prepare students for job interviews.
  • Externships and internships in New York; Washington, D.C.; and Los Angeles (weeklong and semesterlong programs) give students critical field experiences.
  • CDC staff members regularly work with Education Department faculty to present programs on preparing for teaching jobs from resume and cover letters to interviewing.

Graduate Outcomes

Whether learning in a Stonehill classroom or working in the field as student teachers, secondary education candidates learn to navigate the intricacies of today’s classrooms, from inclusivity to highly effective teaching practices to social-emotional learning.

Our secondary education graduates have gone on to teach across the country and have been accepted at graduate programs with outstanding reputations. Locations where you can find Stonehill secondary education graduates: 

  • Whitman Hanson Regional High School  
  • Wheeler Middle School Leilehua-Mililani-Waialua Complex Oahu, Hawaii 
  • Scituate High School 
  • Middleboro high School 
  • Norton Middle School 

Complete Your B.A. and Master's in Education in 5 Years

Undergraduate students in Stonehill’s Education Studies Department are eligible to begin their master's degree in education and finish both degrees in five years. The final year of undergraduate study is integrated with coursework at the graduate level. In year five, students have the option of serving as a Resident in a partner school or pursuing full-time study. This opportunity is a good fit for students who wish to obtain dual licensure, or who wish to have more time with licensing exams.

Learn More

Contact Information

Margaret E. Pierce

Associate Professor of Education, Education Studies Department Chair

Lisa Biederwolf

Administrative Assistant II