Bring Your Vision to the World

The Studio Arts concentration and minor are built around small classes that promote mentoring, peer review and personal development. 

Our studio arts students are challenged to find their unique outlook and are encouraged to cultivate the tools needed to express their individual points of view. These tools include fundamental art and design skills, critical thinking skills, and an awareness of the historical and contemporary context in which they operate.  

A signature program, Arts Outreach, has been serving Brockton-area youth for 11 years and continues to grow in scope and effectiveness. This year, West Middle School students met for three hours per week with their college mentors to learn visual arts (comprised of both 2-D and 3-D studio practice) and photography.  

Arts & Visual Culture, B.A., Arts Administration Concentration

The Arts & Visual Culture major with a concentration in Studio Arts requires the completion of five core courses, six studio art courses, two semesters of Studio Critique, Practicum, and a capstone course. 

Studio Arts Minor

The Studio Arts minor requires the completion of seven classes. 

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Studio Arts Courses

Introduction to Studio Art Design

This course explores the elements and principles of design in the studio arts. Composition, space, line, shape, color, and texture will be investigated in order to enhance creative problem solving. Emphasis will be placed on creating two-dimensional works of art with various media and applications. Beginning students are encouraged to take this as a foundational class.

The Nature of Art: Discovering the Artist Within

Through the intersection of art and biology and using the act of “journaling” and art as a vehicle for investigation, students explore their inner voices while looking outward to observe the natural world.

Studio Critique, Practicum

Complete Two Semesters
This small seminar will focus on developing the language around your own art-making. Critique sessions will be led by faculty moderators. In this class, artists, art-historians, and visual thinkers will have a chance to critique their own work and develop their own ideas in a supportive environment. Assignments will largely be journal-based reflections on your own and other’s work. Conversation will be guided by introductions to critical theory as it applies to art and design.

Advanced Studio Seminar

Capstone Course
In this Capstone Course students work in drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, mixed media and more. Employing the technical and critical thinking skills they’ve developed over 4 years, they strive to create their most mature, well-realized work in the personal studio space that is provided. Readings, critiques, and Visiting Artist Presentations enrich the experience. The semester culminates with a Senior Thesis Exhibition in the Crushing-Martin Gallery.

Career Development Resources

The Stonehill Career Development team offers extensive assistance to students seeking employment, pursuing advanced studies or participating in postgraduate service opportunities. By completing internships and utilizing mentors, students are empowered to build lifelong career management skills.

Visual & Performing Arts Specific Career Resources

  • Extensive on-campus recruiting program for internships and entry-level positions
  • Annual career fairs
  • Various industry-specific career lunches – arts administration, nonprofits
  • Externships and internships in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, D.C. (weeklong and semesterlong programs).

Active Mentors

  • Boston Interactive Web Designer
  • Cengage Learning Associate Content Project Manager
  • Gibbes Museum of Art Membership Coordinator
  • New Hampshire Historical Society Education Programs Coordinator
  • Smithsonian Institution Education Specialist

“It’s a design-your-own experience. The willingness of the teachers, and the department as a whole, to tailor the experience to meet a student’s goals is what sets us apart.”

Visual & Performing Arts Internship Opportunities

Places where visual and performing arts students have recently interned include:

Compassionate Leadership Through the Arts

The Arts Outreach program pairs under-served children from the nearby city of Brockton with Stonehill mentors. Because most of the Stonehill students who participate have little experience in art, the projects they undertake – ranging from photography and videography to painting and sometimes dance – provide an opportunity for the mentors and mentees to learn and do something new together.

Partnerships & Special Programs

Stonehill College has developed academic affiliations with colleges and universities that enable our students to augment the degree they earn at Stonehill with graduate and undergraduate degrees that further enhance their opportunities.

Pair Your Degree with a Master’s in Marketing

Graduate with a master’s in marketing in as little as one year when you pursue graduate-level courses during your time as an undergraduate at Stonehill. Our marketing program supplements your undergraduate degree with in-demand skills that give you a competitive advantage and broaden your career opportunities.