Program Overview

The Theology program at Stonehill fosters interdisciplinary study, allowing students to explore topics including the church, scripture, ethics, worship, and their intersection with contemporary life.

Theology courses critically study religious faith, practice and experience, rooted in historical awareness and contextual understanding. The major, part of the Religious Studies & Theology Department, revolves around a systematic exploration of Catholic theology, highlighting intellectual foundations and theoretical frameworks to facilitate ongoing critical reflection.

Competitive Advantages

Theology at Stonehill considers the diversity of perspectives and experiences present in global Catholicism as well as the ways that ecumenism, dialogue and pluralism have influenced the living traditions of the faith.

Upon graduation, students will be able to:

  • Understand the core themes and constructs of the field and gain general awareness of the fundamental historical, intellectual and methodological contexts of theology
  • Contextualize and analyze primary religious texts and secondary sources
  • Present persuasive arguments orally and in writing
  • Develop awareness of theoretical models of the discipline and composition skills for analyzing, evaluating and contextualizing primary and secondary sources
  • Grasp how the tradition's concrete historical and cultural contexts draw upon other academic disciplines including philosophy, history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, psychology and art history
  • Explore how the encounter with other faiths has influenced theology and creates an openness to inter-religious dialogue
  • Engage in fieldwork that challenges one to seek justice and compassion in the community of faith and the society at large

Recent Accolades

Organizations involved in assessing U.S. colleges and universities continually cite Stonehill as being among the best in the nation when it comes to value, outcomes and a commitment to making the world a better place. See full list of accolades.

Sample Theology Courses

Migrants, Immigrants, Refugees: Justice Issues and Catholic Responses

This course serves as an examination of the “immigrant” dimension of the American Catholic Church, past and present, exposing the injustices experienced by the marginalized outsider/newcomer, exploring the Catholic Church’s responses to these injustices utilizing Catholic social thought, and focusing on Hispanic culture and presence in the Catholic Church and American society.

Christian Prayer, Liturgy and Sacrament

This is an introduction to the fundamentals of Christian liturgy, including the meaning of the assembly, ritual symbol and gesture, proclamation of sacred scripture, and blessing prayers in the context of relating liturgy to life.

The Mystery of Evil

In a world of violence and vengeance, enmity and injustice, disease and natural disaster, the problem of evil is an ever present reality prompting the deepest and most urgent questions for humanity. This course introduces important philosophical and theological perspectives on evil, considers the persistent challenge of theodicy, as well as the inherent limitations of theodical projects, and examines questions on the origin of evil, the possibility of human evil, the ability to name evil in the context of cultural pluralism, and the possibility of hope for overcoming evil.

Approaches to the Study of Religious Traditions

Required Writing-in-the-disciplines course
This course is an exploration of the basic questions and themes in the academic study of religions, with a focus on how the discipline of Religious Studies developed and how it continues to change.

Where Our Religious Studies & Theology Department Graduates Work

Stonehill religious studies graduates go on to work at a range of notable organizations. Continue exploring where our graduates work.

Learn More About Our Theology Program

  • Department Faculty

    Students in the Religious Studies & Theology Department benefit from dedicated faculty across the College and a low student-to-faculty ratio.

  • Research & Experiential Learning Opportunities

    The Religious Studies & Theology Department offers students opportunities for undergraduate research, study abroad, directed study and internships.

  • Theology Outcomes

    Stonehill religious studies and theology graduates go on to work at a range of notable organizations.

Contact Information

Nathaniel P. DesRosiers

Nathaniel P. DesRosiers

Associate Professor of Religious Studies & Theology, Religious Studies & Theology Department Chair
Religious Studies & Theology